Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Are Skeptical Science Reports Good for Science?
Do Scientists Suppress Uncertainty in the Climate Change Debate?
CO2 Science: The Most Prolific Think Tank of Climate Skepticism
Expert Opinion is Still Just Opinion, and Not Necessarily the Truth
Climate Change Conversations: Establishment Scientists Getting It Wrong
Expanding the Biosphere's Limits to Growth
The Unsettled Science of Ocean Warming and Acidification
Biodiversity and the Multi-Functionality of Ecosystems
Human Presence vs. Climate Change in Antarctica
Climatic Change Effects on Earth's Biosphere
Ed Miliband's "War on Climate Sceptics"
Sugarcane Production in Southern Brazil
The New Ten Contentions of the Coral Reef Research Gods
Does the United States Need a National Climate Science Authority?
Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on Earth's Climate
Buying Ourselves Some Breathing Room
The Rantings of James Hansen: Hubris Unparalleled
The Gospel According to Sir John: Chapter 3
Can the Huge Claimed Consensus on CO2 and Global Warming Possibly Be Wrong?
The Gospel According to Sir John: Chapter 2
Sustainable Well-Being and Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment
Global Dimming and Brightening
What Motivates the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change?
Will Farming Destroy Wild Nature?
A Concerned Citizen Expresses His Views on the Fossil Fuel Industry and Scientific Research
An Alternative Analysis to That of the IPCC
Slowdown in Rate of Caribbean Coral Decline: What's Causing It?
Is Stratospheric Ozone Loss Driving Antarctic Cooling?
Our Reply to a Climate-Alarmist Newspaper Editorial
On Shirking Our Real Environmental Duties
Does the Sun Control Everything Climatic?
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: An Equal Opportunity Provider
Where Did the Plants and Animals of the Verdant Mid-Holocene Sahara Go?
What Would Jesus Do? ... Or Moses, Buddha and Gandhi?
What We Don't Know About CO2 and Climate
Ecological Changes in Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: Harbingers of Global Warming?
Has CO2-Induced Global Warming Been Wrongly Accused of Decimating Cloud-Forest Ecosystems?
There Are Bigger Environmental Fish to Fry Than Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions
Out With The New, In With The Old
The Distempered Brain Strikes Again!
Doesn’t Anything Good Ever Happen to the Planet?
Volunteerism: The Only Way to Fight Global Warming
The Art of Swallowing Camels Just Got a Whole Lot Harder
Hey, CO2! What Have You Done for Me Lately?
Two Crises of Unbelievable Magnitude: Can We Prevent One Without
Exacerbating the Other?
The CO2-Climate Debate: Who Holds the Moral High Ground?
The Current and Future Status of Climate Change Science
The Importance of Knowledge to Environmental Policy
An Unfortunate Statement from the Editors of Nature
Back from the Jaws of Extinction (Or What a Difference a Degree Makes!)
An Unfortunate Statement from the Editor-in-Chief of Science
Searching for the Truth About CO2 and Climate? Then Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get to Work!
Climate Variability Over the Holocene
The Most Important Global Change
Elitist Leaders Out of Step with Scientific Reality
The Crux of the Climate Policy Debate
The Bankrupt World of Carbon Currency: It's Closer Than You Think
Programmed Plants: Ready for Future Challenges?
Will Global Warming Devastate Crops? Read All About It!
Limiting Life in the Name of Climatic Salvation
The Neglected Issue of the Global Change Debate: Food Security
Philosophizing About Paleohydrology
Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Reduce Soil Erosion: Lessons for the New Millennium
Societal Impact of Climate Change: Mountain or Molehill?
Global Warming Acknowledgement Appropriate...Subsidiary Conclusions Still Flawed
Climate Change of the Twentieth Century: Natural or Anthropogenic?
An Affront to All That Is Logical
Energy, Carbon Dioxide and Earth's Future: Pursuing the Prudent Path
In Search of the Second "Green Revolution"
Scientist-Gods and Journalist-Prophets: In Modern-Day Climatology, the Boundaries Blur
Climate Change Science: Is Bigger Better?
The Fortunate Coupling of Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature Trends
Give Peace a Chance by Giving Plants a Chance
What is the biochemical fate of CO2?
Science and Trust: Are They Compatible?
CO2-Induced Global Warming: Pro and Con
Once Again, It's Measurements Versus Models
Why is CO2 rising, and is CO2 rising bad?
Why do you feel we should not restrict CO2 emissions?
"Human Contribution to Climate Change Remains Questionable"
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: Boon or Bane of the Biosphere?
CO2 and Temperature: The Great Geophysical Waltz
The Heat is On: The Climate Crisis, The Cover-Up, The Prescription
It's Happened Before…It Can Happen Again
Caution and Credibility in the Debate Over Global Change: A Strange Mix of Science and Politics
CO2 and Global Change: An Issue of Manifold Dimensions
Climate of Fear: Why We Shouldn't Worry About Global Warming
Is Al Gore's stand on the issue backed by sound scientific data?