The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change welcomes members of the media to our web site. The Center was incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona in January of 1998 as a non-profit public charity dedicated to discovering and disseminating scientific information pertaining to the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on climate and the biosphere. Central to our plan of accomplishing this goal has been the implementation of this web site, a full description of which is listed here.
Briefly, our web site is updated weekly with a new issue of CO2 Science, which contains a new editorial and reviews of five different peer-reviewed scientific journal articles relating to various aspects of the global change debate, all of which are archived in our massive Subject Index. In addition, two new summaries of various Subject Index topics are produced and posted each week. Short synopses of newly-posted web site material are also provided via email to those who subscribe to the Center's listserver. For information about our listserver, including how to subscribe to this service, click here.
We encourage members of the media to reference the material we produce. For this purpose, it is the Center's policy to allow reproduction of any entire single item posted on our web site, such as an editorial or journal review, or portions of several such items, provided the following conditions are met: (1) the Center is acknowledged as the source of the information and its web site address ( is listed, and (2) the material will not be used for commercial gain. Further questions regarding the use of material posted on the Center's web site can be directed to a member of the Center's staff via one of the forms of communication listed here.
Additional information can be obtained by reading the Center's Mission Statement and Position Papers. Telephone inquiries and media interviews are also welcomed. Again, we hope you find our web site useful and will become a regular visitor and beneficiary of our services.