Keller, C.F. 1999. Comment: Human contribution to climate change increasingly clear. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 80: 368, 371-372.
Singer, S.F. 1999. Reply. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 80: 372.
What was done
Keller argues against the thesis of an earlier Forum article by Singer entitled "Human contribution to climate change remains questionable." Singer sticks by his original position.
What was learned
Just as beauty is said to reside in the eye of the beholder, so also does judgment reside in the mind of the juror.
What it means
Since dueling heads seldom succumb to the slings and arrows (make that data and reasoning in this case) of the opposition, one must weigh the evidence for oneself and make one's own decision. This responsibility cannot be abrogated to the scientific elite; for they are just as likely to stubbornly cling to cherished falsehoods as anyone, perhaps even more so, in fact, as they are often their authors.
Read these articles for yourself and make up your own mind what they mean. Our original reaction to the Singer piece was related in our Editorial Commentary of 15 May 1999 (Volume 2 Number 10).
Reviewed 1 September 1999