Percent Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) Increases for
300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:

For a more detailed description of this table, click here.

Populus tremuloides Michx. [Quaking Aspen]

300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
 Number of Results
 Arithmetic Mean
 Standard Error

Individual Experiment Results

Journal References

Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm

Calfapietra et al. (2008)

Photosynthesis of mid-day sun-exposed upper-canopy leaves of trees in ozone-polluted-air (1.5 x ambient) in the 8th year of the Aspen FACE experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA (ozone tolerant clone)



Calfapietra et al. (2008)

Photosynthesis of mid-day sun-exposed upper-canopy leaves of trees in ozone-polluted-air (1.5 x ambient) in the 8th year of the Aspen FACE experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA (ozone sensitive clone)



Calfapietra et al. (2008)

Photosynthesis of mid-day sun-exposed upper-canopy leaves of trees in ambient-ozone-air in the 8th year of the Aspen FACE experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA (ozone tolerant clone)



Calfapietra et al. (2008)

Photosynthesis of mid-day sun-exposed upper-canopy leaves of trees in ambient-ozone-air in the 8th year of the Aspen FACE experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA (ozone sensitive clone)



Cseke et al. (2009)

Photosynthesis of trees grown for nine years at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA (clone 216)



Cseke et al. (2009)

Photosynthesis of trees grown for nine years at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA (clone 271)



Curtis et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, low-N soil, 1995



Curtis et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, low-N soil, 1996



Curtis et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, high-N soil, 1995



Curtis et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, high-N soil, 1996



Darbah et al. (2010a)

Average maximum instantaneous photosynthetic stimulation (clone 42E) measured over the last five years of the Aspen FACE experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) -- which was established in 1997 -- at the 11-year point of that study



Darbah et al. (2010a)

Average maximum instantaneous photosynthetic stimulation (clone 271) measured over the last five years of the Aspen FACE experiment near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) -- which was established in 1997 -- at the 11-year point of that study



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 42E) that had been grown for nine more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA), measured during a period of unusual warmth within a temperature range of 32-35°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 42E) that had been grown for nine more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA), measured during a period of unusual warmth within a temperature range of 36-39°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 271) that had been grown for nine more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA), measured during a period of unusual warmth within a temperature range of 32-35°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 271) that had been grown for nine more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA), measured during a period of unusual warmth within a temperature range of 36-39°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of young trees of clone 42E in the ninth year of the Aspen FACE study near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) during an unusually intense heat wave, measured within a temperature range of 32-35°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of young trees of clone 42E in the ninth year of the Aspen FACE study near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) during an unusually intense heat wave, measured within a temperature range of 36-39°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of young trees of clone 271 in the ninth year of the Aspen FACE study near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) during an unusually intense heat wave, measured within a temperature range of 32-35°C



Darbah et al. (2010b)

Photosynthesis of young trees of clone 271 in the ninth year of the Aspen FACE study near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) during an unusually intense heat wave, measured within a temperature range of 36-39°C



Ellsworth et al. (2004)

Plants grown under natural conditions for three years in a FACE study



Fleischmann et al. (2010)

Well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed for nearly two years in CO2-enriched air at normal soil nitrogen (1N) concentration and grown for an additional 19 weeks



Fleischmann et al. (2010)

Well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed for nearly two years in CO2-enriched air at normal soil nitrogen (1N) concentration, after which the seedlings were infected with the root pathogen Phytophthora citricola and grown for an additional 19 weeks



Fleischmann et al. (2010)

Well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed for nearly two years in CO2-enriched air at twice normal soil nitrogen (2N) concentration and grown for an additional 19 weeks



Fleischmann et al. (2010)

Well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed for nearly two years in CO2-enriched air at twice normal soil nitrogen (2N) concentration, after which the seedlings were infected with the root pathogen Phytophthora citricola and grown for an additional 19 weeks



Karnosky et al. (1999)

FACE plots, 30-m diameter



Karnosky et al. (2005)

Plants grown from the young seedling stage for four years under natural environmental conditions at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA



Kets et al. (2010)

Photosynthesis of sunlit upper-canopy leaves of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 271) that had been grown for 8-9 more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA) without a 50% increase in the ambient ozone (O3) concentration of the air, measured from early June to the end of August



Kets et al. (2010)

Photosynthesis of sunlit upper-canopy leaves of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 271) that had been grown for 8-9 more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA) with a 50% increase in the ambient ozone (O3) concentration of the air, measured from early June to the end of August



Kets et al. (2010)

Photosynthesis of sunlit upper-canopy leaves of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 42E) that had been grown for 8-9 more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA) without a 50% increase in the ambient ozone (O3) concentration of the air, measured from early June to the end of August



Kets et al. (2010)

Photosynthesis of sunlit upper-canopy leaves of originally six-month-old saplings (clone 42E) that had been grown for 8-9 more years at the Aspen FACE site in Wisconsin (USA) with a 50% increase in the ambient ozone (O3) concentration of the air, measured from early June to the end of August



Kubiske et al. (1998)

open-top chambers, early leaf-fall,low soil nitrogen



Kubiske et al. (1998)

open-top chambers, early leaf-fall,high soil nitrogen



Kubiske et al. (1998)

open-top chambers, late leaf-fall,low soil nitrogen



Kubiske et al. (1998)

open-top chambers, late leaf-fall,high soil nitrogen



Liu et al. (2006)

Photosynthesis of well watered and fertilized one-year-old seedlings grown for 60 more days in greenhouses



Mikan et al. (2000)

open top chamber, low nitrogen



Mikan et al. (2000)

open top chamber, high nitrogen



Monson et al. (2007)

Photosynthesis of trees growing for eight years at the Aspen FACE facility near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA) over the period 11-21 July 2006



Noormets et al. (2001)

FACE, O3-tolerant clones, ambient O3



Noormets et al. (2001)

FACE, O3-tolerant clones, elevated O3



Noormets et al. (2001)

FACE, O3-sensitive clones, ambient O3



Noormets et al. (2001)

FACE, O3-sensitive clones, elevated O3



Riikonen et al. (2008)

Late-season photosynthesis (averaged over the growing season) of clone 216 trees in their 8th-9th years of CO2 enrichment at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA)



Riikonen et al. (2008)

Photosynthesis (averaged over the growing season) of clone 42E trees in their 8th-9th years of CO2 enrichment at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA)



Riikonen et al. (2008)

Photosynthesis (averaged over the growing season) of clone 271 trees in their 8th-9th years of CO2 enrichment at the Aspen FACE site near Rhinelander, Wisconsin (USA)



Sharkey et al. (1991)

pots, low CO2 adapted



Sharkey et al. (1991)

pots, high CO2 adapted



Stamenkovic and Gustin (2009)

Photosynthesis of one-year-old bare-root saplings grown in sandy, fine-loamy soil in the laboratory within a gas exchange chamber



Takeuchi et al. (2001)

FACE plots, upper canopy



Takeuchi et al. (2001)

FACE plots, lower canopy



Tjoelker et al. (1998)

Seedlings grown for three months in controlled environment chambers at day/night temperatures ranging from 18/12 to 30/24°C (average results)



Volin et al. (1998)

controlled-environment chamber, low ozone



Volin et al. (1998)

controlled-environment chamber,high ozone



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