Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Populus tremuloides Michx. [Quaking Aspen]

Calfapietra, C., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Karnosky, D.F., Loreto, F. and Sharkey, T.D. 2008. Isoprene emission rates under elevated CO2 and O3 in two field-grown aspen clones differing in their sensitivity to O3. New Phytologist 179: 55-61.

Curtis, P.S., Vogel, C.S., Wang, X., Pregitzer, K.S., Zak, D.R., Lussenhop, J., Kubiske, M. and Teeri, J.A. 2000. Gas exchange, leaf nitrogen, and growth efficiency of Populus temuloides in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Ecological Applications 10: 3-17.

Cseke, L.J., Tsai, C.-J., Rogers, A., Nelsen, M.P., White, H.L., Karnosky, D.F. and Podila, G.K. 2009. Transcriptomic comparison in the leaves of two aspen genotypes having similar carbon assimilation rates but different partitioning patterns under elevated [CO2]. New Phytologist 182: 891-911.

Darbah, J.N.T., Kubiske, M.E., Nelson, N., Kets, K., Riikonen, J., Sober, A., Rouse, L. and Karnosky, D.F. 2010a. Will photosynthetic capacity of aspen trees acclimate after long-term exposure to elevated CO2 and O3? Environmental Pollution 158: 983-991.

Darbah, J.N.T., Sharkey, T.D., Calfapietra, C. and Karnosky, D.F. 2010b. Differential response of aspen and birch trees to heat stress under elevated carbon dioxide. Environmental Pollution 158: 1008-1014.

Ellsworth, D.S., Reich, P.B., Naumburg, E.S., Koch, G.W., Kubiske, M.E. and Smith, S.D. 2004. Photosynthesis, carboxylation and leaf nitrogen responses of 16 species to elevated pCO2 across four free-air CO2 enrichment experiments in forest, grassland and desert. Global Change Biology 10: 2121-2138.

Karnosky, D.F., Mankovska, B., Percy, K., Dickson, R.E., Podila, G.K., Sober, J., Noormets, A., Hendrey, G., Coleman, M.D., Kubiske, M., Pregitzer, K.S. and Isebrands, J.G. 1999. Effects of tropospheric O3 on trembling aspen and interaction with CO2: results from an O3-gradient and a FACE experiment. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 116: 311-322.

Karnosky, D.F., Zak, D.R., Pregitzer, K.S., Awmack, C.S., Bockheim, J.G., Dickson, R.E., Hendrey, G.R., Host, G.E., King, J.S., Kopper, B.J., Kruger, E.L., Kubiske, M.E., Lindroth, R.L., Mattson, W.J., McDonald, E.P., Noormets, A., Oksanen, E., Parsons, W.F.J., Percy, K.E., Podila, G.K., Riemenschneider, D.E., Sharma, P., Thakur, R., Sober, A., Sober, J., Jones, W.S., Anttonen, S., Vapaavuori, E., Mankovska, B., Heilman, W. and Isebrands, J.G. 2005. Tropospheric O3 moderates responses of temperate hardwood forests to elevated CO2: a synthesis of molecular to ecosystem results from the Aspen FACE project. Functional Ecology 17: 289-304.

Kets, K., Darbah, J.N.T., Sober, A., Riikonen, J., Sober, J. and Karnosky, D.F. 2010. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic parameters of Populus tremuloides, modulated by elevated concentrations of CO2 and/or O3 and daily climatic variation. Environmental Pollution 158: 1000-1007.

Kubiske, M.E., Pregitzer, K.S., Zak, D.R. and Mikan, C.J. 1998. Growth and C allocation of Populus tremuloides genotypes in response to atmospheric CO2 and soil N availability. New Phytologist 140: 251-260.

Liu, N., Dang, Q.-L. and Parker, W.H. 2006. Genetic variation of Populus tremuloides in ecophysiological responses to CO2 elevation. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 294-302.

Mikan, C.J., Zak, D.R., Kubiske, M.E. and Pregitzer, K.S. 2000. Combined effects of atmospheric CO2 and N availability on the belowgrouind carbon and nirtrogen dynamics of aspen mesocosms. Oecologia 124: 432-445.

Monson, R.K., Trahan, N., Rosenstiel, T.N., Veres, P., Moore, D., Wilkinson, M., Norby, R.J., Volder, A., Tjoelker, M.G., Briske, D.D., Karnosky, D.F. and Fall, R. 2007. Isoprene emission from terrestrial ecosystems in response to global change: minding the gap between models and observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 365: 1677-1695.

Noormets, A., Sober, A., Pell, E.J., Dickson, R.E., Podila, G.K., Sober, J., Isebrands, J.G. and Karnosky, D.F. 2001. Stomatal and non-stomatal limitation to photosynthesis in two trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones exposed to elevated CO2 and O3. Plant, Cell and Environment 24: 327-336.

Riikonen, J., Kets, K., Darbah, J., Oksanen, E., Sober, A., Vapaavuori, E., Kubiske, M.E., Nelson, N. and Karnosky, D.F. 2008. Carbon gain and bud physiology in Populus tremuloides and Betula papyrifera grown under long-term exposure to elevated concentrationsa of CO2 and O3. Tree Physiology 28: 243-254.

Sharkey, T.D., Loreto, F. and Delwiche, C.F. 1991. High carbon dioxide and sun/shade effects on isoprene emission from oak and aspen tree leaves. Plant Cell and Environment 14: 333-338.

Stamenkovic, J. and Gustin, M.S. 2009. Nonstomatal versus stomatal uptake of atmospheric mercury. Environmental Science and Technology 43: 1367-1372.

Takeuchi, Y., Kubiske, M.E., Isebrands, J.G., Pregitzer, K.S., Hendrey, G. and Karnosky, D.F. 2001. Photosynthesis, light and nitrogen relationships in a young deciduous forest canopy under open-air CO2 enrichment. Plant, Cell and Environment 24: 1257-1268.

Tjoelker, M.G., Oleksyn, J. and Reich, P.B. 1998. Seedlings of five boreal tree species differ in acclimation of net photosynthesis to elevated CO2 and temperature. Tree Physiology 18: 715-726.

Volin, J.C., Reich, P.B. and Givnish, T.J. 1998. Elevated carbon dioxide ameliorates the effets of ozone on photosynthesis and growth: species respond similarly regardless of photosynthetic pathway or plant functional group. New Phytologist 138: 315-325.

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