300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:
For a more detailed description of this table, click here.
Pisum sativum L. [Garden Pea]
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Number of Results |
Arithmetic Mean |
Standard Error |
Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Aranjuelo et al. (2013) |
The total dry matter of well-watered plants grown for four weeks, one to each 2.5-L plastic pot filled with a 3/2 mixture of vermiculite/perlite, in controlled-environment chambers where they were fertilized with N-free nutrient solution for N2-fixing plants
67% |
Aranjuelo et al. (2013) |
The total dry matter of well-watered plants grown for four weeks, one to each 2.5-L plastic pot filled with a 3/2 mixture of vermiculite/perlite, in controlled-environment chambers where they were fertilized with 10 mM KNO3- for nitrate-fed plants
104% |
Aranjuelo et al. (2014) |
Whole plant biomass of well-watered and fertilized (but supplied with no nitrogen) plants growing one to each 2.5-L pot filled with a 3:2 mix of vermiculite-perlite within controlled-environment chambers maintained at 25/18°C day/night temperatures
50% |
Aranjuelo et al. (2014) |
Root nodule biomass of well-watered and fertilized (but supplied with no nitrogen) plants growing one to each 2.5-L pot filled with a 3:2 mix of vermiculite-perlite within controlled-environment chambers maintained at 25/18°C day/night temperatures
47% |
Butterly et al. (2015) |
Above-ground biomass of plants grown from seed to maturity in well-watered and fertilized virgin soil contained within PVC columns located inside of outdoor SoilFACE bunkers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Shoot dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 5 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Shoot dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 25 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Shoot dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 50 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Shoot dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 90 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Root dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 5 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Root dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 25 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Root dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 50 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Butterly et al. (2016) |
Root dry weight of plants grown in a SoilFACE environment with 90 mg NO3--N kg-1 soil
Coll and Hughes (2008) |
Dry weight of the central leaflets of the youngest, fully-expanded leaves of well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed in 15-cm pots filled with common potting soil and placed within controlled-environment cabinets
Davis and Potter (1989) |
cuttings in flats
Gavito et al. (2000) |
growth chamber, nonfungal-inoculated
Gavito et al. (2000) |
growth chamber, fungal-inoculated
Jin et al. (2012) |
Shoot biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 16 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Root biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 16 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Shoot biomass of well watered plants grown from seed inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum in a phosphorus-deficient vertisol in a column experiment conducted at a FACE facility in Horsham, Victoria (Australia) for a period of nine weeks without added phosphorus (P)
Jin et al. (2012) |
Root biomass of well watered plants grown from seed inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum in a phosphorus-deficient vertisol in a column experiment conducted at a FACE facility in Horsham, Victoria (Australia) for a period of nine weeks without added phosphorus (P)
Jin et al. (2012) |
Shoot biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 4 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Root biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 4 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Shoot biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 8 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Root biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 8 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Shoot biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 12 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Jin et al. (2012) |
Root biomass of well watered plants grown from seed and inoculated with rhizobium for nine weeks in vertisol soil columns supplied with 12 mg P/kg soil in a FACE study
Juknys et al. (2011) |
Aboveground biomass of plants grown from seed for 21 days after germination within controlled-environment chambers at a density of 25 plants per each of three 5-L pots per treatment filled with neutral (pH 6.0-6.5) peat substrate
Kaciene et al. (2017) |
Total plant dry weight (10 days after treatment began) of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers at +300 ppm CO2 above ambient and a day/night temperature of 21/14°C; cv Pinocchis
Kaciene et al. (2017) |
Total plant dry weight (10 days after treatment began) of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers at +1000 ppm CO2 above ambient and a day/night temperature of 21/14°C; cv Pinocchis
Kaciene et al. (2017) |
Total plant dry weight (10 days after treatment began) of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers at +300 ppm CO2 above ambient and a day/night temperature of 25/18°C; cv Pinocchis
Kumari et al. (2019) |
Plant biomass at harvest (averaged across two growing seasons) plants grown in open-top chambers; cv Azad P-1
Kumari et al. (2019) |
Plant biomass at harvest (averaged across two growing seasons) plants grown in open-top chambers; cv Azad P-1
Lam et al. (2012) |
Above-ground biomass of well watered plants grown from the seedling stage to maturity in pots filled with a local Vertisol of inherent low P status in naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia, without (-) phosphorus (P) supplied as 0 mg P/pot
Lam et al. (2012) |
Above-ground biomass of well watered plants grown from the seedling stage to maturity in pots filled with a local Vertisol of inherent low P status in naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia, with (+) phosphorus (P) supplied as 56.7 mg P/pot
Lam et al. (2012) |
Grain biomass of well watered plants grown from the seedling stage to maturity in pots filled with a local Vertisol of inherent low P status in naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia, without (-) phosphorus (P) supplied as 0 mg P/pot
Lam et al. (2012) |
Grain biomass of well watered plants grown from the seedling stage to maturity in pots filled with a local Vertisol of inherent low P status in naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia, with (+) phosphorus (P) supplied as 56.7 mg P/pot
Lam et al. (2012) |
Above-ground biomass of well watered plants grown from the seedling stage to maturity in pots filled with a local Calcarosol of relatively high P in naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia, without (-) phosphorus (P) supplied as 0 mg P/pot
Lam et al. (2012) |
Above-ground biomass of well watered plants grown from the seedling stage to maturity in pots filled with a local Calcarosol of relatively high P in naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia, with (+) phosphorus (P) supplied as 56.7 mg P/pot
Lam et al. (2013) |
Total biomass of well-watered plants grown from seed to maturity (in pots containing a non-fertilized Vertosol soil that was extracted from the plough layer) within naturally-lighted glasshouse chambers at Horsham, Victoria, Australia
Miyagi et al. (2007) |
N-fixing root nodule biomass of well watered and fertilized plants (legumes) grown from seed to maturity in 4-liter pots filled with sand out-of-doors in open-top chambers
Miyagi et al. (2007) |
Whole plant biomass (at flowering) of well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed in 4-liter pots filled with sand out-of-doors in open-top chambers to the time of their natural death
Miyagi et al. (2007) |
Whole plant biomass (at time of death) of well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed in 4-liter pots filled with sand out-of-doors in open-top chambers to the time of their natural death
Miyagi et al. (2007) |
Seed or grain yield biomass of well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed to maturity in 4-liter pots filled with sand out-of-doors in open-top chambers
Morison and Gifford (1984) |
pots (3.2 kg soil)
Paez et al. (1983) |
Paez et al. (1983) |
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Leaf biomass at harvest of well-watered (80% field capacity) plants grown in a FACE environment; cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Leaf biomass at harvest of plants grown in a FACE environment under well-watered (80% field capacity) conditions until the final month before harvest when they were subjected to terminal drought (41% of field capacity); cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Stem biomass at harvest of well-watered (80% field capacity) plants grown in a FACE environment; cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Stem biomass at harvest of plants grown in a FACE environment under well-watered (80% field capacity) conditions until the final month before harvest when they were subjected to terminal drought (41% of field capacity); cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Root biomass at harvest of well-watered (80% field capacity) plants grown in a FACE environment; cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Root biomass at harvest of plants grown in a FACE environment under well-watered (80% field capacity) conditions until the final month before harvest when they were subjected to terminal drought (41% of field capacity); cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Nodule biomass at harvest of well-watered (80% field capacity) plants grown in a FACE environment; cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Nodule biomass at harvest of plants grown in a FACE environment under well-watered (80% field capacity) conditions until the final month before harvest when they were subjected to terminal drought (41% of field capacity); cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Flower biomass at harvest of well-watered (80% field capacity) plants grown in a FACE environment; cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Flower biomass at harvest of plants grown in a FACE environment under well-watered (80% field capacity) conditions until the final month before harvest when they were subjected to terminal drought (41% of field capacity); cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Total biomass at harvest of well-watered (80% field capacity) plants grown in a FACE environment; cv PBA Twilight
Parvin et al. (2019) |
Total biomass at harvest of plants grown in a FACE environment under well-watered (80% field capacity) conditions until the final month before harvest when they were subjected to terminal drought (41% of field capacity); cv PBA Twilight