Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Pisum sativum [Garden Pea]

Aranjuelo, I., Cabrerizo, P.M., Aparicio-Tejo, P.M. and Arrese-Igor, C. 2014. Unravelling the mechanisms that improve photosynthetic performance of N2-fixing pea plants exposed to elevated [CO2]. Environmental and Experimental Botany 99: 167-174.

Aranjuelo, I., Cabrerizo, P.M., Arrese-Igor, C. and Aparico-Tejo, P.M. 2013. Pea plant responsiveness under elevated [CO2] is conditioned by the N source (N2 fixation versus NO3- fertilization). Environmental and Experimental Botany 95: 34-40.

Butterly, C.R., Armstrong, R., Chen, D. and Tang, C. 2015. Carbon and nitrogen partitioning of wheat and field pea grown with two nitrogen levels under elevated CO2. Plant and Soil 391: 367-382.

Butterly, C.R., Armstrong, R., Chen, D. and Tang, C. 2016. Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) reduces the inhibitory effect of soil nitrate on N2 fixation of Pisum sativum. Annals of Botany 117: 177-185.

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Davis, T.D. and Potter, J.R. 1989. Relations between carbohydrate, water status and adventitious root formation in leafy pea cuttings rooted under various levels of atmospheric CO2 and relative humidity. Physiologia Plantarum 77: 185-190.

Gavito, M.E., Curtis, P.S., Mikkelsen, T.N. and Jakobsen, I. 2000. Atmospheric CO2 and mycorrhiza effects on biomass allocation and nutrient uptake of nodulated pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 1931-1938.

Jin, J., Tang, C., Armstrong, R. and Sale, P. 2012. Phosphorus supply enhances the response of legumes to elevated CO2 (FACE) in a phosphorus-deficient vertisol. Plant and Soil 358: 91-104.

Juknys, R., Duchovskis, P., Sliesaravicius, A., Slepetys, J., Januskaitiene, I., Brazaityte, A., Ramaskeviciene, A., Lazauskas, S., Dedeliene, K., Sakalauskaite, J., Juozaityte, R., Kadziuliene, Z. and Diksaityte, A. 2011. Response of different agricultural plants to elevated CO2 and air temperature. Zemdirbyste=Agriculture 98: 259-266.

Kaciene, G., Kiksaityte, A., Januskaitiene, I., Miskelyte, D., Zaltauskaite, J., Sujetoviene, G., Sakalauskiene, S., Miliauskiene, Juozapaitiene, G. and Juknys, R. 2017. Different crop and weed performance under single and combined effects of elevated CO2 and temperature. Crop Science 57: 935-944.

Kumari, M., Verma, S.C. and Bhardwaj, S.K. 2019. Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on growth and yield contributing parameters of pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop. Journal of Agrometeorology 21: 7-11.

Lam, S.K., Chan, D., Norton, R. and Armstrong, R. 2012. Does phosphorus stimulate the effect of elevated [CO2] on growth and symbiotic nitrogen fixation of grain and pasture legumes? Crop & Pasture Science 63: 53-62.

Lam, S.K., Chen, D., Norton, R. and Armstrong, R. 2013. The effect of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration on the contribution of residual legume and fertilizer nitrogen to a subsequent wheat crop. Plant and Soil 364: 81-91.

Miyagi, K.-M., Kinugasa, T., Hikosaka, K. and Hirose, T. 2007. Elevated CO2 concentration, nitrogen use, and seed production in annual plants. Global Change Biology 13: 2161-2170.

Morison, J.I.L. and Gifford, R.M. 1984. Plant growth and water use with limited water supply in high CO2 concentrations. II. Plant dry weight, partitioning and water use efficiency. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 11: 375-384.

Paez, A., Hellmers, H. and Strain, B.R. 1983. CO2 enrichment, drought stress and growth of Alaska pea plants (Pisum sativum). Physiologia Plantarum 58: 161-165.

Parvin, S., Uddin, S., Fitzgerald, G.J., Tausz-Posch, S., Armstrong, R. and Tausz, M. 2019. Free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) improves water use efficiency and moderates drought effect on N2 fixation of Pisum sativum L. Plant Soil 436: 587-606.

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