Percent Dry Weight (Biomass) Increases for
300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:

For a more detailed description of this table, click here.

Pinus sylvestris L. [Scots Pine]

300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
 Number of Results
 Arithmetic Mean
 Standard Error

Individual Experiment Results

Journal References

Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm

Alberton et al. (2010)

Shoot biomass (whole period) of plants grown from seed for 125 days in Petri dishes, both with and without inoculation with various dark septate root endophytic (DSE) fungi, within controlled-environment chambers



Alberton et al. (2010)

Root biomass (whole period) of plants grown from seed for 125 days in Petri dishes, both with and without inoculation with various dark septate root endophytic (DSE) fungi, within controlled-environment chambers



Alberton et al. (2010)

Shoot biomass (final 27 days) of plants grown from seed for 125 days in Petri dishes, both with and without inoculation with various dark septate root endophytic (DSE) fungi, within controlled-environment chambers



Alberton et al. (2010)

Root biomass (final 27 days) of plants grown from seed for 125 days in Petri dishes, both with and without inoculation with various dark septate root endophytic (DSE) fungi, within controlled-environment chambers



Alberton et al. (2007)

Plants grown from seed in Petri dishes with limited N availability within controlled environment chambers for 156 days without an association with one of seven species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi



Alberton et al. (2007)

Mean biomass of plants grown from seed in Petri dishes with limited N availability within controlled environment chambers for 156 days with an association with one of seven species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi



Alberton et al. (2007)

Minimum biomass of plants grown from seed in Petri dishes with limited N availability within controlled environment chambers for 156 days with an association with one of seven species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi



Alberton et al. (2007)

Maximum biomass of plants grown from seed in Petri dishes with limited N availability within controlled environment chambers for 156 days with an association with one of seven species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of low (2.1 mg) availability -- and in the absence of any ectomycorrhizal fungi



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of high (4.2 mg) availability -- and in the absence of any ectomycorrhizal fungi



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of low (2.1 mg) availability -- and inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma cylindrosporum



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of high (4.2 mg) availability -- and inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma cylindrosporum



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of low (2.1 mg) availability -- and inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria bicolor



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of high (4.2 mg) availability -- and inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria bicolor



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of low (2.1 mg) availability -- and inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Suillus bovinus



Alberton and Kuyper (2009)

Seedlings grown (first within controlled-environment chambers for 76 days and then within Experimental Soil Plant Atmosphere Systems for 27 days) in Petri dishes that contained 50 g of a peat-vermiculite mixture with adequate water and fertility -- except for nitrogen (N), which was of high (4.2 mg) availability -- and inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi Suillus bovinus



Broadmeadow and Jackson (2000)

open-top chambers



Crookshanks et al. (1998)

open-top chamber, roots



Fransson et al. (2005)

Pine seedlings colonized by ectomycorrhizal fungi and grown for six weeks in pots in growth chambers



Fransson and Johanssonn (2010)

Nonmycorrhizal shoot biomass of well-watered and fertilized seedlings grown for several weeks in controlled-environment facilities



Fransson and Johanssonn (2010)

Nonmycorrhizal root biomass of well-watered and fertilized seedlings grown for several weeks in controlled-environment facilities



Gorissen and Kuyper (2000)

glasshouse compartments, inoculated with Suillus bovinus, root



Gorissen and Kuyper (2000)

glasshouse compartments, inoculated with Suillus bovinus, shoot



Gorissen and Kuyper (2000)

glasshouse compartments, inoculated with Suillus bovinus, total dry weight



Gorissen and Kuyper (2000)

glasshouse compartments, inoculated with Laccaria bicolor, root



Gorissen and Kuyper (2000)

glasshouse compartments, inoculated with Laccaria bicolor, shoot



Gorissen and Kuyper (2000)

glasshouse compartments, inoculated with Laccaria bicolor, total dry weight



Heath et al. (2005)

Well-watered seedlings grown for 15 months in vertical sections of 16-cm-diameter polyethylene tubes supplied with 10 liters of fertilized soil containing 2.5 g/liter of slow release Osmocote fertilizer, all located within several 4.5-m-diameter Solardomes



Heath et al. (2005)

Well-watered seedlings grown for 15 months in vertical sections of 16-cm-diameter polyethylene tubes supplied with 10 liters of unfertilized soil, all located within several 4.5-m-diameter Solardomes



Heyworth et al. (1998)

open-top chambers, needle mass,low nutrients



Heyworth et al. (1998)

open-top chambers, needle mass,high nutrients



Ineichen et al. (1995)

greenhouse chambers, inoculated, shoot



Ineichen et al. (1995)

greenhouse chambers, inoculated, root



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, roots



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, stem



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, buds



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, branches 1993-1995



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, branches 1996-1998



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, needles 1997-1998



Jach et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, total biomass



Janssens et al. (1998)

Root biomass of three-year-old seedlings grown in open-top chambers in Belgium for six months



Janssens et al. (2005)

Three-year-old seedlings planted in a sandy forest soil and grown for an additional three years within open-top chambers without any added nutrients or water



Janssens et al. (2005)

Three-year-old seedlings planted in a sandy forest soil and grown for an additional four years within open-top chambers without any added nutrients or water



Johansson et al. (2009)

Seedlings grown in liquid culture for a period of six weeks with no ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots



Johansson et al. (2009)

Seedlings grown in liquid culture for a period of six weeks with 8 species of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with their roots



Kilpelainen et al. (2003)

Fifteen-year-old trees grown at ambient temperature for an additional three years in open-top chambers on a sandy and nutrient-poor, but well-watered, soil



Kilpelainen et al. (2003)

Fifteen-year-old trees grown at ambient temperature + 2° for an additional three years in open-top chambers on a sandy and nutrient-poor, but well-watered, soil



Kilpelainen et al. (2005)

20-year-old trees grown for six years in closed chambers in a naturally-regenerated forest near the University of Jensuu, Finlandat at ambient temperature



Kilpelainen et al. (2005)

20-year-old trees grown for six years in closed chambers in a naturally-regenerated forest near the University of Jensuu, Finlandat at elevated temperatures of +2°C in the summer, +4°C in the spring and fall, and +6°C in the winter



Markkola et al. (1996)

closed chambers, needles, summer



Markkola et al. (1996)

closed chambers, needles, autumn



Markkola et al. (1996)

closed chambers, roots, summer



Markkola et al. (1996)

closed chambers, roots, autumn



Overdieck and Fenselau (2009)

Well watered one-year-old seedlings grown for three additional growing seasons in 7-liter pots filled with "homogenized soil" out of doors within "phytotron" glass chambers under an acrylic plastic roof



Raisanen et al. (2008)

Mean needle dry mass at the end of the last two years of a five-year closed-top chamber study of trees that were ~14 years old at the start of the study that were grown at ambient temperatures (AT)



Raisanen et al. (2008)

Mean needle dry mass at the end of the last two years of a five-year closed-top chamber study of trees that were ~14 years old at the start of the study that were grown at elevated temperatures (ambient +2°C, summer, ambient +4°C, spring and autumn, ambient +6°C, winter)



Rouhier and Reed (1998)

Seedlings grown for four months with their root systems not colonized by the mycorrhizal fungi Paxillus involutus or Suillus bovinus



Rouhier and Reed (1998)

Seedlings grown for four months with their root systems colonized by the mycorrhizal fungi Paxillus involutus



Rouhier and Reed (1998)

Seedlings grown for four months with their root systems colonized by the mycorrhizal fungi Suillus bovinus



Utriainen et al. (2000)

open-top chambers



Utriainen et al. (2000)

open-top chambers, elevated ozone



Volanen et al. (2006)

Branch biomass of young well-watered trees in a naturally regenerating stand in eastern Finland enclosed in clear-wall (glass and acrylic) chambers for a period of four years



Ziche and Overdieck (2004)

Total biomass of plants grown from seed in pots in a phytotron for three years under well-watered conditions but with no additions of nutrients to the soil



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