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How Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Enhances Cotton Production

Paper Reviewed
Mauney, J. 2016. Carbon Allocation in Cotton Grown in CO2 Enriched Environments. Journal of Cotton Science 20: 232-236.

Introducing his brief review paper, Jack Mauney (2016) writes that "three pools of carbohydrates have been shown to be altered significantly by CO2 enrichment." In the first case, he notes that "leaf starch is increased during the day and mobilized for night utilization." In the second case, he says that "starch deposition in the stems increases during the juvenile period of growth and is utilized during the boll filling period." And in the third case, he reports that "starch deposition is increased in roots during the juvenile and early fruiting," which "enables the roots to remain more active during the heavy demand of fruit maturation."

Most interestingly, however, Mauney reports that the CO2-induced expansions of these three pools of starch deposition enable cotton to utilize its higher CO2-induced photosynthetic rate to a greater degree than is observed in many other crops, thereby reconfirming cotton to be "one of the most responsive crops to CO2 enrichment."

Learn more about this relationship and other aspects of it by (1) viewing the several reviews we have posted about cotton in our Subject Index, (2) examining the 41 for cotton listed in our Plant Growth Database, or from (3) searching our site for any of the many works we have written about cotton.

Posted 28 February 2017