For a description of the study levels below, click here.
Level 1 Studies
Cold Air Cave, Makapansgat Valley of South Africa
Cold Air Cave, Makapansgat Valley of South Africa
Continental Margin Off Southern Mauritania
Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Level 2 Studies
Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Northwest Africa
Cap Blanc, Off the Coast of West Africa
Shashi-Limpopo Basin, Southern Africa
Level 3 Studies
Cold Air Cave, Makapansgat Valley of South Africa
Crescent Island Crater Lake, Kenya
Lake Edward, Uganda Congo
Lake Hayq, North-central Highlands of South Wollo, Ethiopia
Lake Kamalété, Central Gabon
Lake Kamalété, Gabon, Western Equatorial Africa
Lake Ngučne, Gabon, Western Equatorial Africa
Mount Kenya, Eastern Africa
Nile Drainage Basin
Nile River, Egypt
Pilkington Bay, Lake Victoria, East Africa
Roda Island, Nile River Region, Egypt
Sossusvlei, Namib Desert, Namibia