Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Truly Plastic Plants Are Neither Made of Plastic Nor Sold in Stores
The Power of Marine Life to Cope with Environmental Change
The Biodiversity Insurance Hypothesis in a Time of Climate Change
Plant Phenology in a Warming World: Keeping Up with the Heat?
Flowers & Fruit of Peppers in a High-Temp & CO2-Enriched World
Xylogenesis in Black Spruce Trees of Canadian Boreal Forests
Trophic Mismatches of Five Seabirds and Their Piscivorous Prey
Keeping Up with the Plants: Bee Pollinators Strive for Seasonal Synchrony
Trees, Caterpillars, Birds and Climate
Effects of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Flowering Times of Asteraceae Species
How Birds React to Climate Change in a Primeval Temperate Forest