How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 8 Number 26:  29 June 2005

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Allegany, NY. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

The Arid Lands of Central Asia in a Warming World and CO2-Accreting Atmosphere: How have they fared while exposed to the wrath of the "twin evils" of the radical environmental movement that seeks to demonize life-giving warmth and carbon dioxide?

Subject Index Summaries
Climate Oscillations (Millennial Variability - Asia): As the sun rises and sets in regular fashion, and as tides likewise rise and fall with regularity, so too do global temperatures increase and decrease in a millennial-scale cycling of climate that periodically brings the earth multi-century periods of relative coolness and warmth, such as the Little Ice Age and Modern Warm Period, all without any help from variations in the air's CO2 concentration, as is readily evident from the results of several studies conducted in Asia.

Transpiration (Woody Plants - Deciduous Trees): How are the transpiration rates of deciduous trees affected by atmospheric CO2 enrichment?  And what does the answer to this question imply about the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content?

Journal Reviews
Fifty Years of Precipitation Over China: Is precipitation increasing across China, as climate models project it should?

A 500-Year Precipitation History From the Bavarian Forest: Regional curve standardization reveals low frequency variability never before seen in European dendroclimatic reconstructions.

The Timing of North American Spring and Autumn Bird Migrations: Did it change significantly over the last quarter of the 20th century, when climate alarmists claim the planet experienced unprecedented global warming?

CO2 Effects on Photosynthesis and Respiration of Soybean Leaves: Will the increase of non-structural carbohydrates produced in the leaves of soybeans growing in CO2-enriched air lead to an increase in plant respiration rate, as many have theorized?  A new field study sheds some important light on this question.

Effects of Elevated Temperature and CO2 on Wheat: Since atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are predicted to continue to rise in the future, this study provides important information on how wheat may respond to those environmental changes.