How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 6 Number 35:  27 August 2003

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from First Connecticut Lake, New Hampshire. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

BVOCs: What Are They? … and How Do They Function Within the Context of Global Climate Change?: Plants both produce BVOCs and react to them.  Likewise, climate change influences their production rates and is in turn impacted by their atmospheric concentrations, possibly in both positive and negative ways.  The situation is very complicated and we are far from having an accurate understanding of it.

Subject Index Summaries
Roman Warm Period -- Dark Ages Cold Period: What does the study of these ancient climatic epochs have to do with the current global warming debate?  As it turns out, plenty.

Soil (Stability): Experimental data and real-world observations come together to demonstrate how the rising CO2 content of the atmosphere is helping to stabilize the world's soils against the ravages of wind- and water-induced erosion.

Journal Reviews
Urban Heat Islands of South Korea: Are they serious?  Are they growing?  Do they need to be incorporated into attempts to determine recent temperature trends?  The authors answer all your questions.

A Christmas Island El Niño History: What does it tell us about the climate-alarmist claim that global warming will lead to more frequent and intense ENSO events?

Dust: Taking the Long Route from China to France: The authors document the 20,000-km airborne journey of dust particles -- and their host of appended heavy metal, fungal, bacterial and viral pollution -- that begins in the Takla-Makan desert of China and wends it way to the French Alps, demonstrating the potential for the worldwide atmospheric dissemination of untold substances that threaten plant, animal and human health.

Effects of Elevated CO2 on N-Mineralisation and Enzyme Activities in a Calcareous Grassland: What are they?  And why are they important?

Growth Response of Sitka Spruce to CO2 and Nitrogen: Will native boreal forests be able to positively respond to the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content if the soils on which they grow are low in nutrients?  A five-year study from Scotland provides some answers.