How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 3 Number 31:  15 November 2000

The Neglected Issue of the Global Change Debate: Food Security: In a stirring appeal to conscience and logic alike, Nobel Peace Laureate Norman Borlaug makes the case for allowing genetic engineering to be applied to agriculture in order to enable us to feed the growing population of the planet.  In his essay we see a strong parallel with our appeal to allow anthropogenic CO2 emissions to take their natural course and likewise help to feed our children and grandchildren.

Subject Index Summaries
Little Ice Age


Journal Reviews
Unsuspected Urban-Induced Warming: A comparative study of soil temperatures measured at a totally rural site in Illinois from 1889 to 1952 and contemporary air temperatures measured at nearby small towns reveals the existence of a significant urban-induced warming bias in the air temperature records that had not previously been detected, or even suspected.  This finding calls into question all surface-based air temperature records of the past century, suggesting that the warming they portray may be artificially inflated.

The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in Switzerland: Another study provides more evidence that contradicts the climate alarmists' claim that the latter part of the 20th century was the warmest of the past millennium.

Drought in North Dakota, USA: Analyses of sediment cores removed from three North Dakota lakes reveal that droughts of Dust Bowl severity and greater have been a common occurrence on the Northern Great Plains for at least the past two millennia, contrary to what many people who should clearly know better continue to claim.

Subambient CO2 Increases Rubisco Content in Rice: Exposure to a half-ambient level of atmospheric CO2 initially reduced photosynthetic rates in rice before causing an up-regulation in rubisco activity and content, which stimulated photosynthetic rates but did not return them to values characteristic of the ambient concentration.

Elevated CO2 and Photosynthetic Acclimation in Pine Trees: Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 induced photosynthetic acclimation in Pinus radiata seedlings after four years of treatment exposure; but the CO2-enriched trees continued to outperform their ambient-treatment counterparts in many different ways.