How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Extreme Weather Events: Are they Influenced by Rising Atmospheric CO2?

Although this report is available for free download and viewing, donations are encouraged to help cover the cost of its production.  Your generosity will help to ensure the similar dissemination of future reports on other important topics related to the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content. Note: The initial publication date of this paper was 10 September 2014.

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   1. Introduction
   2. How to Properly Test for a CO2-induced Influence on Extreme Weather
      2.1. Obtain Proper Data Over a Sufficient Time Period
      2.2. Natural Variability Must be Studied and Known
      2.3. Non CO2-driven Impacts Must be Resolved and Removed
   3. Extreme Weather Observations and Trends
      3.1. Floods
         3.1.1 Trends of the Past Century
         3.1.2. Natural Variability Seen from Long-term, Centennial-scale Studies
         3.1.3. Other Factors Driving Observed Trends
      3.2. Drought
         3.2.1. Trends of the Past Century
         3.2.2. Natural Variability Seen from Long-term, Centennial-scale Studies
         3.2.3. Other Factors Driving Observed Trends
      3.3. Storms
   4. Concluding Remarks