How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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About the Temperature Datasets

Links to the sources of the various datasets found on our website can be found below. If you have questions about a particular dataset, please follow those links and inquire from the original source. Our data plotting routine is provided as a service. Questions about a particular dataset should be addressed to the dataset source.

For a description of the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) temperature data set, visit the National Climatic Data Center's website (

For a description of the HadCRUT3v Land- and Sea-Surface Temperatures data set, visit the UK Met Office website (

For a description of the MSU Satellite temperature data set, click here.

For a description of the Upper-Air Radiosonde (Angell) temperature data set, click here.

For a description of the Upper-Air Radiosonde (Sterin) temperature data set, click here.

For a description of the NASA GISS Surface Temperature data set, click here.