Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Puccinellia maritima (Huds.) Parl. [Seaside Alkaligrass]

Lenssen, G.M., van Duin, W.E., Jak, P. and Rozema, J.  1995.  The response of Aster tripolium and Puccinellia maritima to atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and their interactions with flooding and salinity.  Aquatic Botany 50: 181-192.

Rozema, J., Dorel, F., Janissen, R., Lenssen, G., Broekman, R., Arp, W.P. and Drake, B.G.  1991.  Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on growth, photosynthesis and water relations of salt marsh grass species.  Aquatic Botany 39: 45-55.

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