Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Medicago sativa L. [Alfalfa]

Aranjuelo, I., Irigoyen, J.J., Nogues, S. and Sanchez-Diaz, M. 2009. Elevated CO2 and water-availability effect on gas exchange and nodule development in N2-fixing alfalfa plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 65: 18-26.

Aranjuelo, I., Irigoyen, J.J., Perez, P., Martinez-Carrasco, R. and Sanchez-Diaz, M. 2005a. The use of temperature gradient tunnels for studying the combined effect of CO2, temperature and water availability in N2 fixing alfalfa plants. Annals of Applied Biology 146: 51-60.

Aranjuelo, I., Irigoyen, J.J., Sanchez-Diaz, M. and Nogues, S. 2008. Carbon partitioning in N2 fixing Medicago sativa plants exposed to different CO2 and temperature conditions. Functional Plant Biology 35: 306-317.

Aranjuelo, I., Perez, P., Hernandez, L., Irigoyen, J.J., Zita, G., Martinez-Carrasco, R. and Sanchez-Diaz, M. 2005b. The response of nodulated alfalfa to water supply, temperature and elevated CO2: photosynthetic downregulation. Physiologia Plantarum 123: 348-358.

Bertrand, A., Prevost, D., Bigras, F.J., Lalande, R., Tremblay, G.F., Castonguay, Y. and Belanger, G. 2007. Alfalfa response to elevated atmospheric CO2 varies with the symbiotic rhizobial strain. Plant and Soil 301: 173-187.

Bunce, J.A. 1995. Long-term growth of alfalfa and orchard grass plots at elevated carbon dioxide. Journal of Biogeography 22: 341-348.

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