Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Helianthus annuus L. [Sunflower]

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Huxman, K.A., Smith, S.D. and Neuman, D.S. 1999. Root hydraulic conductivity of Larrea tridentata and Helianthus annuus under elevated CO2.

Larios, B., Aguera, E., Cabello, P., Maldonado, J.M. and de la Haba, P. 2004. The rate of CO2 assimilation controls the expression and activity of glutamine synthetase through sugar formation in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 69-75.

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Pal, M., Chaturvedi, A.K., Pandey, S.K., Bahuguna, R.N., Khetarpal, S. and Anand, A. 2014. Rising atmospheric CO2 may affect oil quality and seed yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36: 2853-2861.

Pandurangam, V., Sharma-Natu, P., Sreekanth, B. and Ghildiyal, M.C. 2006. Photosynthetic response of wheat and sunflower cultivars to long-term exposure of elevated carbon dioxide concentration. Photosynthetica 44: 586-590.

Sobrado, M.A. and Turner, N.C. 1986. Photosynthesis, dry matter accumulation and distribution in the wild sunflower Helianthus petiolaris and the cultivated sunflower Helianthus annuus as influenced by water deficits. Oecologia 69: 181-187.

Vanaja, M., Yadav, S.K., Archana, G., Lakshmi, N.J., Reddy, P.R.R., Vagheera, P., Razak, S.K.A., Maheswari, M. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2011. Response of C4 (maize) and C3 (sunflower) crop plants to drought stress and enhanced carbon dioxide concentration. Plant, Soil and Environment 57: 207-215.

Wang, D., Heckathorn, S.A., Barua, D., Joshi, P., Hamilton, E.W. and LaCroix, J.J. 2008. Effects of elevated CO2 on the tolerance of photosynthesis to acute heat stress in C3, C4, and CAM species. American Journal of Botany 95: 165-176.

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