Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Bromus erectus Hudson [Erect Brome]

Beerling, D.J. and Woodward, F.I. 1995. Leaf stable carbon isotope composition records increased water-use efficiency of C3 plants in response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Functional Ecology 9: 394-401.

Bryant, J., Taylor, G. and Frehner, M. 1998. Photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 is modified by source:sink balance in three component species of chalk grassland swards grown in a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment. Plant, Cell and Environment 21: 159-168.

Niklaus, P.A. and Korner, C. 2004. Synthesis of a six-year study of calcareous grassland responses to in situ CO2 enrichment. Ecological Monographs 74: 491-511.

Roumet, C., Garnier, E., Suzor, H., Salager, J.-L. and Roy, J. 2000. Short and long-term responses of whole-plant gas exchange to elevated CO2 in four herbaceous species. Environmental and Experimental Botany 43: 155-169.

Stocker, R., Leadley, P.W. and Korner, C. 1997. Carbon and water fluxes in a calcareous grassland under elevated CO2. Functional Ecology 11: 222-230.

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