Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Betula alleghaniensis Britt. [Yellow Birch]

Catovsky, S. and Bazzaz F.A. Elevated CO2 influences the responses of two birch species to soil moisture: implications for forest communitey structure. Global Change Biology 5: 507-518.

Gu, M., Robbins, J.A., Rom, C.R. and Choi, H.-S. 2008. Photosynthesis of birch genotypes (Betula L.) under varied irradiance and CO2 concentration. HortScience 43: 314-319.

Wayne, P.M., Reekie, E.G. and Bazzaz, F.A. 1998. Elevated CO2 ameliorates birch response to high temperature and frost stress: implications for modeling climate-induced geographic range shifts. Oecologia 114: 335-342.

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