Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) References
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. [Black Alder]

Poole, I., Lawson, T., Weyers, J.D.B. and Raven, J.A.  2000.  Effect of elevated CO2 on the stomatal distribution and leaf physiology of Alnus glutinosaNew Phytologist 145: 511-521.

Temperton, V.M., Grayston, S.J., Jackson, G., Barton, C.V.M., Millard, P. and Jarvis. P.G.  2003.  Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on growth and nitrogen fixation in Alnus glutinosa in a long-term field experiment.  Tree Physiology 23: 1051-1059.

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