Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Rubus idaeus L. [Red Raspberry]
Deng, R. and Donnelly, D.J. 1993a. In vitro hardening of red raspberry through CO2 enrichment and relative humidity reduction on sugar-free medium. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 73: 1105-1113.
Deng, R. and Donnelly, D.J. 1993b. In vitro hardening of red raspberry by CO2 enrichment and reduced medium sucrose concentration. HortScience 28: 1048-1051.
Hentley, W.T., Hails, R.S., Johnson, S.N., Jones, T.H. and Vanbergen, A.J. 2014. Top-down control by Harmonia axyridis mitigates the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a plant-aphid interaction. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 16: 350-358.
Martin, P. and Johnson, S.N. 2011. Evidence that elevated CO2 reduces resistance to the European large raspberry aphid in some raspberry cultivars. Journal of Applied Entomology 135: 237-240.
Mochizuki, M.J., Daugovish, O., Ahumada, M.H., Ashkan, S. and Lovatt, C.J. 2010. Carbon dioxide enrichment may increase yield of field-grown red raspberry under high tunnels. Horttechnology 20: 213-219.