Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Phalaris aquatica L. [Harding Grass]

Greer, D.H., Laing, W.A., Campbell, B.D. and Halligan, E.A. 2000. The effect of perturbations in temperature and photon flux density on the growth and photosynthetic responses of five pasture species. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 27: 301-310.

Morison, J.I.L. and Gifford, R.M. 1984. Plant growth and water use with limited water supply in high CO2 concentrations. II. Plant dry weight, partitioning and water use efficiency. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 11: 375-384.

Navas, M.-L., Garnier, E., Austin, M.P. and Gifford, R.M. 1999. Effect of competition on the responses of grasses and legumes to elevated atmospheric CO2 along a nitrogen gradient: differeences between isolated plants, monocultures and multi-species mixtures. New Phytologist 143: 323-331.

Volder, A., Edwards, E.J., Evans, J.R., Robertson, B.C., Schortemeyer, M. and Gifford, R.M. 2004. Does greater night-time, rather than constant, warming alter growth of managed pasture under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2? New Phytologist 162: 397-411.

Volder, A., Gifford, R.M. and Evans, J.R. 2007. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2, cutting frequency, and differential day/night atmospheric warming on root growth and turnover of Phalaris swards. Global Change Biology 13: 1040-1052.

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