Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Lonicera japonica Thunb. [Japanese Honeysuckle]
Belote, R.T., Weltzin, J.F. and Norby, R.J. 2003. Response of an understory plant community to elevated [CO2] depends on differential responses of dominant invasive species and is mediated by soil water availability. New Phytologist 161: 827-835.
Sanders, N.J., Belote, R.T. and Weltzin, J.F. 2004. Multitriphic effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on understory plant and arthropod communities. Environmental Entomology 33: 1609-1616.
Sasek, T.W. and Strain, B.R. 1991. Effects of CO2 enrichment on the growth and morphology of a native and an introduced honeysuckle vine. American Journal of Botany 78: 69-75.