Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Scrub oak palmetto ecosystem
Johnson, D.W., Hungate, B.A., Dijkstra, P., Hymus, G., Hinkle, C.R., Stiling, P. and Drake, B.G. 2003. The effects of elevated CO2 on nutrient distribution in a fire-adapted scrub oak forest. Ecological Applications 13: 1388-1399.
Seiler, T.J., Rasse, D.P., Li, J., Dijkstra, P., Anderson, H.P., Johnson, D.P., Powell, T.L., Hungate, B.A., Hinkle, C.R. and Drake, B.G. 2009. Disturbance, rainfall and contrasting species responses mediated aboveground biomass response to 11 years of CO2 enrichment in a Florida scrub-oak ecosystem. Global Change Biology 15: 356-367.
Stover, D.B., Day, F.P., Butnor, J.R. and Drake, B.G. 2007. Effect of elevated CO2 on coarse-root biomass in Florida scrub detected by ground-penetrating radar. Ecology 88: 1328-1334.