Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Coffea arabica [Coffee]

Avila, R.T., de Almeida, W.L., Costa, L.C., Machado, K.L.G., Barbosa, M.L., de Souza, R.P.B., Martino, P.B., Juárez, M.A.T., Marcal, D.M.S., Martins, S.C.V., Ramalho, J.D.C. and DaMatta, F.M. 2020. Elevated air [CO2] improves photosynthetic performance and alters biomass accumulation and partitioning in drought-stressed coffee plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 177: 104137.

Ghini, R., Torre-Neto, A., Dentzien, A.F.M., Guerreiro-Filho, O., Iost, R., Patrício, F.R.A., Prado, J.S.M., Thomaziello, R.A., Bettiol, W. and DaMatta, F.M. 2015. Coffee growth, pest and yield responses to free-air CO2 enrichment. Climatic Change 132: 307-320.

Vega, F.E., Ziska, L.H., Simpkins, A., Infante, F., Davis, A.P., Rivera, J.A., Barnaby, J.Y. and Wolf, J. 2020. Early growth phase and caffeine content response to recent and projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide in coffee (Coffea Arabica and C. canephora). Scientific Reports 10: 5875, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-62818-x.

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