Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Betula alleghaniensis Britt. [Yellow Birch]
Berntson, G.M., Wayne, P.M. and Bazzaz, F.A. 1997. Below-ground architectural and mycorrhizal responses to elevated CO2 in Betula alleghaniensis populations. Functional Ecology 11: 684-695.
Bazzaz, F.A. and Miao, S.L. 1993. Successional status, seed size and responses of tree seedlings to CO2, light and nutrients. Ecology 74:104-112.
Catovsky, S. and Bazzaz F.A. Elevated CO2 influences the responses of two birch species to soil moisture: implications for forest communitey structure. Global Change Biology 5: 507-518.
Cheng, S. 2007. Elevated CO2 changes the moderate shade tolerance of yellow birch seedlings. Journal of Environmental Sciences 19: 502-507.
Wayne, P.M., Reekie, E.G. and Bazzaz, F.A. 1998. Elevated CO2 ameliorates birch response to high temperature and frost stress: implications for modeling climate-induced geographic range shifts. Oecologia 114: 335-342.