Dry Weight (Biomass) References
Avena sativa cv. California Red [Red Oat]
Bhatt, R.K., Baig, M.J. and Tiwari, H.S. 2010. Elevated CO2 influences photosynthetic characteristics of Avena sativa L. cultivars. Journal of Environmental Biology 31: 813-818.
Johannessen, M.M., Mikkelsen, T.N., Nersting, L.G., Gullord, M., von Bothmer, R. and Jorgensen, R.B. 2005. Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on varieties of oat. Plant Breeding 124: 253-256.
Malmstrom, C.M. and Field, C.B. 1997. Virus-induced differences in the response of oat plants to elevated carbon dioxide. Plant, Cell and Environment 20: 178-188.
Saebo, A. and Mortensen, L.M. 1996. Growth, morphology and yield of wheat, barley and oats grown at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration in a cool, maritime climate. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 57: 9-15.
Shenglei, F.U. and Ferris, H. 2006. Plant species, atmospheric CO2 and soil N interactively or additively control C allocation within plant-soil systems. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences 49: 603-612.
Veisz, O., Bencze, S., Balla, K., Vida, G. and Bedo, Z. 2008. Change in water stress resistance of cereals due to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Cereal Research Communications 36: 10.1556/CRC.36.2008.Suppl.1.