Swedish Scandes
Kullman, L. and Kjallgren, L. 2006. Holocene pine tree-line evolution in the Swedish Scandes: Recent tree-line rise and climate change in a long-term perspective. Boreas 35: 159-168.
Kullman, L. and Kjallgren, L. 2006. Holocene pine tree-line evolution in the Swedish Scandes: Recent tree-line rise and climate change in a long-term perspective. Boreas 35: 159-168.
The authors created an 11,000-year Pinus sylvestris tree-line history for the central and southern Swedish Scandes (61-66°N, 12-15°E) by merging data from three batches of radiocarbon-dated megafossil tree-remains. Based on a lapse rate of -0.6°C per 100 m altitudinal rise, it may be inferred from their tree-line history (corrected for isostatic land uplift) that summer temperatures of that region during the 1940s may have been about 0.5°C warmer than those of the region's Medieval Warm Period peak of approximately AD 850.