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Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Human Health
Volume 6, Number 6: 5 February 2003

In a recent Food and Photosynthesis Review in Science, Demmig-Adams and Adams (2002) note that "photosynthetic productivity is threatened when the global environment turns more extreme," concluding it would thus be beneficial "to engineer photosynthetic organisms with enhanced stress tolerance."  They also note in this regard that "many of the compounds that protect plant cells also protect human cells" and that "improving plant resistance to stress may thus have the beneficial side effect of also improving the nutritional quality of plants in the human diet."

Reading these words literally sent chills up our spines, for one of the best ways we know to improve plant resistance to environmental stresses is to enrich the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.  Is it possible that this phenomenon also improves the nutritional quality of the food we eat?  We have long felt that it may indeed do so; and there is now another reason for believing that that hypothesis has merit.

The first of the foundational elements of this CO2-induced, plant-stress-relieving, human-health-promoting hypothesis was established by Idso and Idso (1994), who demonstrated that environmental stresses due to air pollution, high temperature and lack of water are all significantly mitigated by atmospheric CO2 enrichment.  In some experiments involving high temperatures, in fact, they noted that supplying plants with extra CO2 actually made the difference between the plants living or dying (Idso et al.,1989, 1995).

The second foundational element of the hypothesis is elucidated by Demmig-Adams and Adams, who make a good case for its validity too.  They begin by noting that many plant products or phytochemicals that play vital roles in a variety of plant protective processes are also capable of manipulating human cellular signaling and gene expression.  As but one example, they report that carotenoid pigments such as zeaxanthin and lutein, which protect photosynthesis "under a plethora of environmental stresses," have been identified "as possible protective agents in human vision and immune function and in the prevention of cancer and heart disease."  Hence - and after considering mountains of additional evidence - they conclude that "improvements in amounts or functions of these and other phytochemicals may well aid both plant productivity and human health."

The point that remains to be resolved in establishing the ultimate validity of this CO2 health-promoting hypothesis is whether atmospheric CO2 enrichment, as a specific agent of plant stress reduction, accomplishes its work by means of improving the amounts and/or functions of various phytochemicals - of which many hundreds have been identified - or if it supplies its benefits by some other means.  In broaching this question, we feel there is both reason and evidence to indicate there are many opportunities for elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 to elicit both types of responses, i.e., to improve both the production and functioning of many of these important health-promoting substances.

With respect to reason, we note that with the aerial fertilization effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment promoting the production of more plant biomass - which is constructed primarily from carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) - there definitely will be more of these basic elements available for the creation of greater quantities of carbon-based secondary compounds, many of which are composed exclusively of C, H and O, such as vitamins A, C, D and K.  Hence, one would expect that at least some of the hundreds of phytochemicals that protect humans from degenerative diseases would indeed be found in greater concentrations in plants grown in CO2-enriched air.  Also, the work of Rao et al. (1995) suggests that atmospheric CO2 enrichment leads to the maintenance of higher activities of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione reductase; and since this enzyme is primarily responsible for the high redox states of both glutathione and ascorbate (Foyer et al., 1994), this phenomenon may well be operative among a host of antioxidants, and especially among vitamins.

Given these reasons to expect CO2-induced increases in the concentrations of various phytochemicals that may be beneficial to human health, what evidences are there that such concentration increases really occur?

In the case of ascorbate or vitamin C, Barbale (1970) and Madsen (1971, 1975) observed CO2-induced increases in the concentration of this important phytochemical in both the leaves and fruit of tomato plants; while Tajiri (1985) observed elevated concentrations in bean sprouts and Schwanz et al. (1996) and Idso et al. (2002) measured elevated levels in both the foliage and fruit of sour orange trees.  Kimball and Mitchell (1981) also found that atmospheric CO2 enrichment stimulated the production of vitamin A in tomato plants.  In addition, Stuhlfauth et al. (1987) and Stuhlfauth and Fock (1990) demonstrated that elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 stimulate the production of the heart-helping cardiac glycoside digoxin in the wooly foxglove plant; while Idso et al. (2000) determined that atmospheric CO2 enrichment enhances the production of several chemical constituents of the bulb of a tropical spider lily that have been proven to be effective against lymphocytic leukemia and ovary sarcoma (Pettit et al., 1986), melanoma, brain, colon, lung and renal cancers (Pettit et al., 1993) and Japanese encephalitis and yellow, dengue, Punta Tora and Rift Valley fevers (Gabrielsen et al., 1992a,b).

Clearly, there are many good reasons and much experimental evidence to justify serious study of the hypothesis that increases in the air's CO2 content promote the production of phytochemicals that are beneficial to human health; for even with all that is known about the subject, the fertile surface of this most important field of research has barely been scratched.  We must delve deeper and more extensively into this vitally important area of concern that touches the lives of every inhabitant of the planet.  Indeed, we owe it to ourselves, in a very personal way, to evaluate all of the evidence related to the question of whether the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content is good or bad for the biosphere; and the potential impact of this phenomenon on the nutritive value of the food we eat ranks right up there with whatever else is near the top of the list of prime concerns.

Sherwood, Keith and Craig Idso

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