How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Additional Evidence of a Solar-Climate Link
Neff, U., Burns, S.J., Mangini, A., Mudelsee, M., Fleitmann, D and Matter, A.  2001.  Strong coherence between solar variability and the monsoon in Oman between 9 and 6 kyr ago.  Nature 411: 290-293.

What was done
For the period 9,600-6,100 years before present, the authors investigated the relationship between a 14C tree-ring record and a delta18O proxy record of monsoon rainfall intensity as recorded in calcite delta18O data obtained from a stalagmite in northern Oman.

What was learned
The correlation between the two data sets was reported to be "extremely strong," and a spectral analysis of the data revealed statistically significant periodicities centered on 779, 205, 134 and 87 years for the delta18O record and periodicities of 206, 148, 126, 89, 26 and 10.4 years for the 14C record.

What it means
Because variations in 14C tree-ring records are generally attributed to variations in solar activity and intensity, and because of this particular 14C record's strong correlation with the delta18O record, as well as the closely corresponding results of the spectral analyses, the authors conclude there is "solid evidence" that both signals (the 14C and delta18O records) are responding to solar forcing.  The physical mechanism by which slight changes in solar activity are amplified to the point that they can affect the precipitation pattern of this or any other region remains elusive, however, demonstrating we still have much to learn about earth's climate system, even when it is clear which factor (solar variability) must be the driver of the observed climate change (because climate change on earth cannot possibly influence what occurs on the sun).