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Paper Reviewed
Schedel, J.R., Jr. and Schedel, A.L. 2018. Analysis of variance of flood events on the U.S. East Coast: The impact of sea level rise on flood event severity and frequency. Journal of Coastal Research 34: 50-57.
In providing the reasoning behind their work, Schedel and Schedel (2018) write that "the mainstream media report regularly that storm events in the United States, especially on the East Coast, are becoming more severe and more frequent," with the blame almost always being placed upon the global warming boogeyman. But are such reports true, or are they simply another example of the media peddling their fake news narratives?
In an effort to determine the validity of these claims, the two U.S. Naval Academy researchers performed a series of statistical analyses on sea level data from thirteen locations along the U.S. East Coast, which stations were selected due to their long length (75 years or more) and completeness (87% or greater) of record. And what did the tide gauge data from each of these thirteen locations reveal with respect to the frequency and severity of coastal flood events? Have they indeed changed over time?
As stated by the authors, their analysis showed that "flood events on the U.S. East Coast are not more severe or frequent than in the past." They only appear to be greater if one fails to account for (and remove) the long-term influence of sea level rise, which rise has increased the baseline height of such events over the course of the past century. Yet, despite this baseline increase in sea level, the frequency and severity of coastal flood events have not changed over the past century.
In light of the above, we can thus conclude with certainty that the global warming that has occurred over the past century has had no impact whatsoever on the frequency and/or severity of coastal flood events. Claiming it has is simply another example of fake news!
For more examples of scientific studies that refute this shameful climate-alarmist narrative, see the many reviews we have posted under the heading of Floods on this page.
Posted 4 May 2018