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Intertidal Coral Bleaching
Brown, B.E., Dunne, R.P., Scoffin, T.P. and Le Tissier, M.D.A.  1994.  Solar damage in intertidal corals.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 105: 219-230.

What was done
This study utilized tidal data, sun track analysis, and measurements of solar irradiance and sea surface temperatures in an effort to determine the cause of bleaching in massive reef-flat corals in intertidal sites near Phuket, Thailand.

What was learned
Analysis of the data revealed no correlation between coral bleaching and sea surface temperature.  Instead, coral bleaching was linked to both "subaerial exposure" and the "coral's exposure to direct solar irradiance."

What it means
This study demonstrates the ability of high levels of solar irradiance to induce coral bleaching.

Reviewed 1 May 1999