Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Alexandria, Louisiana. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Forest Growth Rates: How have they responded to the historical increase in the air's CO2 content, particularly over the last half of the 20th century, when CO2 increases have been truly unprecedented?
Subject Index Summaries
Temperature (Urbanization Effects - North America): What have we learned about the urban heat island effect from data obtained in North America? We've learned that it is large and growing in large-and-growing cities, and that in tiny towns it can exceed the warming of the globe experienced since the end of the Little Ice Age.
Stomatal Density (Response to CO2 - Woody Plants): How does the stomatal density of the leaves of woody plants respond to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration?
Journal Reviews
Global Sea Level: 1950-2000: Has it been rising at an ever accelerating rate as man has pumped ever greater quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere?
Sand Drift Episodes of Europe: What can they tell us about the history of storminess there over the past two millennia?
Unusually Cold Days in Madrid: How bad can a day with a maximum temperature just under 6°C be for one's health?
Whole-Canopy Transpiration in CO2-Enriched and Warmed Pine Trees: How does evaporative water loss from whole pine trees vary in response to increases in atmospheric temperature and CO2 concentration?
Changes in the Southern Range Boundaries of Gastropods and Chitons Along the Chilean Coast of South America: How have the southern endpoints of the ranges of rocky intertidal marine species that inhabit the Pacific coast of Chile changed over the last half-century?