Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the Week is from Fort Pierce, Florida. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
The Most Important Global Change: We agree with Al Gore that it's the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content. But where the former Vice President sees this phenomenon as a problem, we see it as a blessing.
New Scientific Advisory Board Member
M. Mihkel Mathiesen: Last week, we reviewed his insightful new book. This week, we welcome him to our family of scientific advisors.
Subject Index Summaries
Coral Reefs - Responses to Solar Radiation Stress: Life everywhere must struggle against the elements; and corals are no exception. In fact, they possess numerous adaptive capacities that enable them to blunt the negative impacts of environmental extremes, such as high values of solar irradiance.
Extinction: Nobody wants to see the disappearance of any more species of plants and animals from the face of the earth. Therefore, we had all better pray that the air's CO2 content keeps rising
Current Journal Reviews
The Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature Records of Dome Concordia, Antarctica: Changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are found to have lagged changes in temperature by 800 ± 600 years during the most recent glacial-interglacial transition, revealing that CO2 is a follower, and not a leader, of climate change.
Climate Variability Over the Past Hundred Millennia: Although extremely large and swift near-global temperature changes have occurred in the past, they are relative strangers to interglacial periods such as the one in which we currently live. And strong and rapid interglacial warmings, such as the one climate alarmists are predicting for our immediate future, have never occurred, suggesting, most likely, that none ever will.
Temperature Effects on Aspen Tree Inputs of Carbon and Nutrients to Soil: You guessed it. Once again, warmer is better!
Effects of Elevated CO2, O3 and Soil Nitrogen on Cotton Leaves: An open-top chamber study demonstrates that elevated CO2 ameliorates the negative effects of elevated ozone concentrations on cotton leaf mass per unit area and foliar starch concentrations.
Elevated CO2 Enhances the Effectiveness of Foliar Applications of Bt Pesticides: An important new study demonstrates that the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content is increasing the effectiveness of a widely-used technique for protecting crops from the ravages of foraging insects.