Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Leavenworth, Kansas. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Are the Near-Surface Air Temperature Data We Possess Precise Enough to Detect a Component of Historical Global Warming that Can Confidently Be Attributed to the Model-Predicted Greenhouse Effect of the Past Century's Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions?: The question is lengthy, but the answer is not. In fact, it can be stated in but a single short word ... and it's not the word "yes."
Subject Index Summaries
FACE Experiments (Grassland Species): A review of some recent atmospheric CO2 enrichment studies that utilized FACE technology suggests that the plants of earth's grasslands will exhibit enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass production as the air's CO2 content continues to rise, much as other types of CO2 enrichment studies have indicated. As this happens, therefore, the carbon sequestering prowess of earth's grasslands should also rise.
Storms: The air's CO2 content has risen by fully 33% since the inception of the Industrial Revolution, while concomitant increases in other greenhouse gases have exacerbated its purported global warming influence even more. According to climate alarmists and Kyoto Protocol promoters, this dramatic alteration of the atmospheric environment should have vastly increased the frequency and intensity of storms around the world. Has it?
Carbon Sequestration Commentary
Elevated CO2 May Slow Plant Decomposition Rates, Increasing Soil Carbon Storage: The title says it all. Besides stimulating plants to produce more biomass, atmospheric CO2 enrichment often induces them to produce tissues that are more resistant to physical, chemical and biological degradation.
Current Journal Reviews
Internal Modes of Climate Variability: Sometimes people's moods experience significant swings for no apparent reason. Sometimes earth's climate does the same. Could it be doing so now?
Solar Radiation Reductions at the Earth's Surface: They're just what the doctor ordered to keep the planet from running a fever.
Evaporation Data Refute Claims of Global Warming: Wherever one seems to look, the world of nature tells a very different story than the one nearly all climate alarmists and many unthinking (or deviously thinking) politicians are attempting to cram down our throats.
Elevated CO2 Reduces the Negative Effects of Ozone on Aspen Clones: In the second and third years of an ongoing FACE experiment, elevated O3 caused significant reductions in tree volume in five trembling aspen clones grown at ambient CO2. Although elevated CO2 did not completely counterbalance the negative effects of ozone on tree volume, it did reduce them significantly.
Elevated CO2 Fights Negative Effects of Ozone on Aspen and Birch Trees: In the never-ending battle to protect earth's forests against the deleterious effects of ozone pollution, the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content is an important ally.