Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Pipestone, Minnesota. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Health Status of the World’s Coral Reefs: Many of earth’s coral reefs have been greatly decimated over the past twenty years, when climate alarmists claim we have experienced unprecedented global warming. But does this questionable correlation justify their denouncing earth’s rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and humanity’s production and use of energy that releases CO2 to the air as the phenomena responsible for the coral decline? We and many others think not.
Subject Index Summaries
Little Ice Age – Africa: If the Little Ice Age was a localized phenomenon of the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere, as climate alarmists are wont to claim, why did it also ravage much of Africa in the Southern Hemisphere?
Temperature x CO2 Interaction – Plant Growth Response (Grassland Species): Most of earth’s plants display increases in photosynthesis and biomass production when exposed to elevated levels of atmospheric CO2. But what happens when air temperature rises concurrently? In this summary, we survey the recent scientific literature to get a feel for the fate of grassland species under this oft-predicted scenario.
Current Journal Reviews
Winter Storms in the North Pacific Ocean (1948-1998): Storms in the North Pacific Ocean appear to have become more frequent and intense during the past five decades. Is this a sign the climate alarmists are correct, i.e., that more CO2 in the air will lead to more extreme weather events?
Winter Storms in the Northern Hemisphere (1958-1999): Model studies of earth’s climate suggest that the number of storms should be increasing as a result of global warming. Can you guess what the last four decades of observations say about the subject?
A Solar-Influenced Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in Tropical Venezuela: A sediment core from the ocean off the coast of tropical Venezuela reveals the presence of a solar-driven Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period, providing more evidence in contradiction of the climate alarmist claim that these cold and warm periods were not global in extent.
Elevated CO2 Aids C4 Grass Growth Under Conditions of Water Stress: Elevated CO2 reduced the deleterious effects of water stress on a C4 grass by decreasing its rate of transpiration and conserving moisture in the soil in which it grew, leading to concomitant increases in biomass production.
Elevated CO2 and Temperature Increase Dry Matter Production in Two Grassland Species: Elevated CO2 increased dry matter production in C3 and C4 forage crops by 25 and 15%, respectively, without exhibiting any significant interactions with air temperature, which was raised as high as 4.5°C above ambient air temperature.