Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Jerome, Idaho. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
The End of Atmospheric CO2 Growth: Some day the air’s CO2 content will max out and begin to drop. Will any of us live to see it? What about our children or grandchildren? And how high will the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration rise before the inevitable decline sets in? Will it devastate the earth before it’s run its course? You may be surprised at what real-world history has to say about the matter.
Subject Index Summaries
Decomposition (Grassland Species): As the air’s CO2 content rises, most grassland species will increase their biomass and return greater amounts of plant residue to soils following senescence. However, because elevated CO2 sometimes alters the chemical composition of plant tissues, it is unclear what the net result will be for litter decomposition rates and ultimate soil carbon sequestration. We here review recent research findings that help resolve this issue.
Soil Temperatures: Soil temperature may not be useful as a proxy for near-surface air temperature in certain instances; but it sure is a great tool for identifying urban warming trends believed to be absent from air temperature records of small cities long thought to be free of urban influences.
Current Journal Reviews
Evidence of the Little Ice Age in Southeastern Peru: Claimed by climate alarmists to be a minor phenomenon of lands surrounding the North Atlantic Ocean, the Little Ice Age refuses to be thus constrained. Even tropical Peru yields evidence of having experienced its bitter cold.
More Evidence of Recent 20th Century Arctic Cooling: Once again, observational data refute climate alarmist claims of recent "unprecedented" CO2-induced global warming ... and in a part of the world where the dramatic temperature rise is supposed to be - again, according to them - most evident.
Whole-Plant Transpiration in Woody Legumes: Long-Term Vs. Short-Term Experiments: Will long-lived woody plants that have been exposed to a large increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration for a whole year, and have thus become acclimated to that condition, experience as large a reduction in transpiration rate as plants that have been exposed to the same increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration for only a few days, and are thus likely not acclimated to that condition? Place your bets!
Elevated CO2 Enhances Growth in a Mature Sweetgum Stand: Elevated CO2 stimulated aboveground growth in a ten-year-old stand of sweetgum trees, demonstrating that mature trees in closed-canopy forests can – and do! – respond positively to atmospheric CO2 enrichment and will likely continue to do so as the air’s CO2 content continues to rise.