Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from El Dorado, Kansas. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Doesn’t Anything Good Ever Happen to the Planet?: Ever notice – how could you not? – the overwhelming supply of bad environmental news? Threats to this, threats to that, all human-induced, with nary a hint of anything good occurring? Are things really that bad? Wouldn’t probability theory suggest man should do something good now and then, even if only by accident? We think so.
Subject Index Summaries
Decomposition (Trees): As the air’s CO2 content rises, most trees will increase their biomass and return greater amounts of litter to the soil. However, because elevated CO2 often alters the quality of that litter, it has the potential to influence its decomposition rate and, hence, the amount of carbon that will ultimately be sequestered in the soil. So what is the end result?
Satellite Temperatures: Satellite-derived temperatures of the lower troposphere do not reveal the global warming present in some surface temperature databases, a discrepancy that has not yet been resolved.
Current Journal Reviews
Urban Warming in China: In one decade, radiant temperatures in the Zhujiang Delta of China have risen by 13°C. Is global warming to blame?
SO2, CO, Smoke or Low Temperature: Which Kills More?: A most interesting question climate alarmists would do well to ponder.
Elevated CO2 Stimulates Photosynthesis in Young Scots Pine Trees: After enriching the air around them with an extra 400-ppm of CO2 for two years, Scots pine seedlings rooted in the ground within open-top chambers responded by boosting their photosynthetic rates by 62 and 65% in current and one-year-old needles.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Root Dynamics in a Longleaf Pine Ecosystem: As the air’s CO2 content continues to rise, there are reasons to believe that the biosphere will reorganize itself in ways that result in a greater removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. This study anticipates one of those adjustments that may, in fact, already be underway.