Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Brewton, Alabama. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Hey, CO2! What Have You Done for Me Lately?: Much of the material we post on our website looks to the future, extolling the biological benefits we can expect to receive from continued increases in the air’s CO2 content. But what are promises if there is nothing to back them up? Has the historical increase in the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration already helped the biosphere in any way? Or has it been more like a delicate French pastry: delightful to look at, but comprised of little more than hot air? Inquiring minds want to know!
Subject Index Summaries
Grasslands (Fungal Interactions with Roots): A review of the recently published literature suggests that increases in the air’s CO2 concentration will enhance symbiotic relationships between the roots of grasses and their fungal symbionts in such a way that CO2-induced increases in growth will persist over time and possibly grow even larger.
Temperature Trends -- Antarctica: Contrary to climate alarmist concerns, the average temperature of the whole of Antarctica has been declining in recent decades, while sea ice cover surrounding the chilly continent has been expanding. Not much global warming here!
Current Journal Reviews
Soil Erosion Rates in the Upper Mississippi River Valley: Soil erosion rates in the Upper Mississippi River Valley increased dramatically as settlers in the early 1800s converted the natural landscape to pasture and farm land. In the face of the "unprecedented" global warming and concomitant increases in all the vile meteorological phenomena that are supposed to have accompanied this phenomenon over the past century, we might expect to be seeing a continuation of this trend. However ...
Jet Contrails Lead to Increased High-Level Cloudiness Over Alaska: And high-level clouds tend to warm the land beneath them. Could this phenomenon be responsible for some of the warming observed in interior central Alaska over the past few decades?
Carbon Sequestration in the Coterminous United States: Is America pulling its own weight in the international quest to slow the rate of rise of the air’s CO2 concentration? Oh, yes, it’s doing that and more.
Carbon Sequestration by Chinese Forests: The introduction of sound forest management practices by the most populous nation on earth has changed the history of the carbon storage status of their country’s forests from one of a negative trend to one of an equally strong positive trend. The rest of the world cold learn much from their example.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Woodlouse Litter Consumption: In an herbaceous leaf litter decomposition and feeding study, it was learned that elevated CO2 does not necessarily reduce the nitrogen contents of naturally-senesced leaf litter. In addition, compensatory or increased feeding by a woodlouse was not observed when it was presented with CO2-induced reduced-nitrogen leaf litter.