Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Manassa, Colorado. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Carbon Dioxide and Global Environmental Change: The Proper Roles of Reason and Religion in Developing Policies Related to Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions: Religion instructs us to do what is right; reason helps us determine what is right. The use of both of these uniquely human attributes is essential to developing environmental policies that show respect for God’s creations.
Subject Index Summaries
Grasslands (Biomass – Individual Species): A review of the recently published scientific literature suggests that earth’s grassland plants will respond positively to increases in the air’s CO2 content by producing more biomass, thereby inducing a negative feedback phenomenon that should help to slow the rate-of-rise of the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration as some of the extra biomass is incorporated into the soils of the grassland ecosystems.
Temperature Trends -- Africa: Analyses of historic temperature trends in Africa reveal the presence of a Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age that may have been caused by variations in solar activity.
Current Journal Reviews
Tropospheric Ozone and Climate Forcing: New estimates of the radiative forcing of climate due to the historical increase in tropospheric ozone over the period of the planet’s industrialization suggests that this greenhouse gas is responsible for a much larger portion of the increase in air temperature observed over this period than has commonly been believed.
Precipitation and Streamflow Variability in Northeastern Mongolia: Are extreme hydrometeorological events on the increase in northeastern Mongolia? It’s what the climate models typically predict; but is it what real-world data typically depict?
Rainfall Trends in East Asia: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been rising since the inception of the Industrial Revolution, providing plenty of time for the increased monsoonal rainfall predicted by climate alarmists to occur. Over a century of data from over a hundred east Asian weather stations now allow this hypothesis to be tested.
Effects of Elevated CO2 and Soil Nitrogen Stress on Sunflowers: Some plants respond equally well to atmospheric CO2 enrichment under conditions of both low and high soil nitrogen content, while others exhibit reductions in growth response when soil nitrogen concentration is sub-optimal. How do sunflowers do in this regard?
Physiological Responses of Young Oak Trees of Southern France to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: Just about everything these trees do, they do better with more CO2 in the air. The future is theirs!