Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Corpus Christi, Texas. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
The Art of Swallowing Camels: Just how gullible is the man on the street? How wide will he open his mouth in response to the mess of pottage being offered him by the powers that pull the strings of the IPCC? They’re betting it’s wide enough to swallow their entire catastrophe theory: hook, line and sinker. We’re betting they’re wrong.
Subject Index Summaries
Grasslands (Biomass – Whole Communities): A review of the recently published scientific literature suggests that earth’s grassland communities will respond positively to increases in the air’s CO2 content by producing more biomass, thereby inducing a negative feedback phenomenon that should help to slow the rate-of-rise of the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration as some of the extra biomass is incorporated into the soils of the grassland ecosystems.
Marine Biota: Can they take the heat of global warming? Climate alarmists say no. Will more CO2 help or hurt? Climate alarmists say hurt. Real-world observations, on the other hand, tell a very different story.
Current Journal Reviews
A 1000-Year Record of Spring Sea Ice Conditions in Baffin Bay: The long view of history provides a valuable perspective for the smaller-scale fluctuations of the recent past.
Temporal Trends in Thunderstorms: Does increasing urbanization influence thunderstorm frequencies?
Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Belowground Carbon Cycling in Aspen and Birch Stands: It has been predicted that both atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations will continue to increase in the future. How will these phenomena interact to influence soil carbon storage within forest soils? A recent experiment provides some answers.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Model Grasslands of the Semi-arid Negev of Israel: Will grasslands in semi-arid regions respond positively to increases in the air’s CO2 content? The results of an interesting experimental study that investigated this very question suggests that they will, and that they will thus sequester more carbon in the soils upon which they grow.
Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Photosynthesis in Aspen Clones: Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations often reduce photosynthetic rates and deleteriously affect other physiological processes in plants. Can enriching the air with CO2 reduce the negative effects of this noxious air pollutant on photosynthesis in aspen seedlings?