Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Claims, Counter-Claims and Disclaimers: Our Daily Diet of Carbon Dioxide-Centered Controversy: Running a web site devoted to the task of attempting to tell the truth about CO2, climate and the biosphere is not a job for the thin-skinned or faint-of-heart. You’re not only blamed for all the things you say; you’re blamed for things you didn’t say, that people say you did!
Subject Index Summaries
Grasslands (Decomposition): Results of recent experiments suggest that increases in the air’s CO2 content will slightly reduce the decomposition rates of grassland-generated litter, thus keeping the carbon contained within it sequestered from the atmosphere for longer periods of time, which helps to slow the rate-of-rise of the air’s CO2 concentration.
Ocean Tides: To everything else that is known or speculated to influence earth’s climate in a major way must now be added tidal phenomena that have their origin in the behavior of the moon. Is that out of this world or what?
Current Journal Reviews
Soil Temperature Records: Can They Be Used to Reconstruct Accurate Air Temperature Histories?: A new study suggests that many air temperature histories derived from analyses of soil temperature variations with depth "may be misleading" in implying greater warming than has actually occurred over the past century or so.
Heating and Cooling Degree-Days in Turkey: A recent study of heating and cooling degree-days in Turkey has found more evidence of just the opposite of what would be expected in a warming world.
Unprecedented Warmth in Northern Québec?: Yes, it has been exceptionally warm in the subarctic region of northern Québec. But just not lately.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Seed Production and Seedling Recruitment in
a New Zealand Pasture: Little is known regarding responses of pastures to long-term atmospheric CO2 enrichment, particularly with respect to seed production, dispersal, seedling recruitment and retention. Read along with us, as we report research results that shed new light on these important subjects.
Impacts of Elevated CO2 and Soil Nitrogen on Oak Seedlings: Young oak seedlings grown for three to four months at an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 700 ppm displayed total biomass values that were 140 and 30% greater than those exhibited by control plants growing in ambient air and subjected to high and low soil nitrogen regimes, respectively.