Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Decatur, Illinois. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
The Unstable Sands of Climatic Uncertainty: They make not for the best of foundations upon which to raise a monolithic structure of worldwide economic and social regulation; but that evident fact is not stopping the political juggernaut that’s attempting to do just that in a last-ditch effort to have its way with the world before the planet’s populace perceives the real reasons for the cabal’s desperate actions.
British Butterflies and Crickets Benefit from Regional Warming: We hear so many predictions about the bad things people think will occur to various species of animal life in response to global warming that we thought we would pass on some real-world observations about the good things that have already happened to many species in response to regional warming.
Subject Index Summaries
Arctic: Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, reduced sea ice, the soil giving up its long-held stores of carbon: there is no end to the claims of anthropogenic-induced environmental degradation in the Arctic. Not even real-world data, it seems, are capable of stopping the flood of scare stories designed to convince the world we on the eve of destruction.
Grasslands (Water Use Efficiency): A review of some recently published scientific papers suggests that earth’s grasslands will respond positively to increases in the air’s CO2 content by exhibiting reductions in transpirational water loss and increases in photosynthetic carbon uptake, which should lead to increases in plant water-use efficiency, carbon sequestration and range expansions.
Current Journal Reviews
A Step Change in Baltic Sea Ice Extent: A non-CO2-induced cooler-to-warmer climate transition in the region of the Baltic Sea that was centered at about 1877 ushered in a period of less variable milder climate that still persists in that part of the world.
Solar Forcing of Drought in Mexico: Climate alarmists yip and yap about drought being a consequence of CO2-induced global warming, seemingly ignorant of the fact that cycles of drought are often the result of cyclical solar activity.
Woody Plants Invading Alaskan Arctic Tundra: Are they responding to local warming or global atmospheric CO2 enrichment? The media say warming; we say...
Effects of Elevated CO2 and Ozone on Winter Wheat: In experiments with soft red winter wheat, atmospheric CO2 enrichment significantly reduced, and in some cases completely eliminated, the negative effects of elevated ozone concentrations on growth and yield.
Effects of Elevated CO2 and Soil Nitrogen on Aspen Cuttings: Aspen cuttings grown for 2.5 years in open-top chambers receiving atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 700 ppm exhibited substantially higher rates of net photosynthesis when supplied with high, as opposed to low, levels of soil nitrogen. Nonetheless, atmospheric CO2 enrichment stimulated photosynthesis and dry mass production in all seedlings, regardless of soil fertility.