Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the Week is from Bloomington, Indiana. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Never Say Never … Unless You Really Know What You're Talking About: It is truly amazing how the doom-and-gloom mentality of the climate alarmist crowd sometimes draws forth from its ranks the most outrageous claims of veracity for blatant falsehoods.
Subject Index Summaries
Carbon Sequestration (Soils): As the air's CO2 content rises, a vast body of research suggests we can expect rates of carbon sequestration in the world's soils to rise as well, irrespective of whether the globe's air temperature rises or remains the same.
Sea Ice: Observations of sea ice reveal an equatorward expansion in the Southern Hemisphere over the past two decades, while in the Northern Hemisphere sea ice appears to have retreated poleward, although this trend may have reversed itself over the most recent decade.
Current Journal Reviews
Was the 1997 Red River "Flood of the Century" Caused by Global Warming?:
In a word, no.
Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica: Still in Apparent Balance: A new assessment of the mass balance of one of Antarctica's major glaciers suggests it is in approximate equilibrium, portending no deleterious consequences for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Climate Variability in the Arctic: A study of natural climate variability in the Arctic reveals the existence of so many different signals of varying periodicity that it is difficult to see how we will ever be able to detect the warming predicted to occur there as a consequence of the burning of fossil fuels.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Tallgrass Prairie: After eight years of exposure to twice-ambient levels of atmospheric CO2, tallgrass prairie ecosystems had more soil water, more soil microbial biomass and greater soil carbon and nitrogen contents than ecosystems exposed to ambient air.
Long-term Response of Swiss Grasslands to Elevated CO2: Over six years of exposure to twice-ambient levels of atmospheric CO2, fertile Swiss grasslands exhibited persistent annual increases in biomass production. At low soil nitrogen, a first-year increase in biomass was followed by a second-year suppression of growth. Thereafter, however, a slow but steady yearly increase in dry matter production was also observed under this resource-limited condition.