Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the Week is from Happy Camp, California. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
An Unfortunate Statement from the Editor-in-Chief of Science: In expressing his chagrin over President Bush's decision not to regulate CO2 emissions from U.S. power plants, Donald Kennedy exposes the venerable journal to doubts about the objectivity of its publication policy with respect to matters related to potential global change.
Back from the Jaws of Extinction (Or What a Difference a Degree Makes): As heads of state and environmental ministers prostrate themselves before the throne of global warming and writhe in agony over the ecological implications of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and their hypothetical effect on climate, scientists are quietly recording the real-world ecological benefits of a half-century of warming on Australia's Heard Island.
Current Book Review
Greenhouse - The 200 Year Story of Global Warming: The author weaves an emotionally compelling story that has the potential to make people believe they are reading a book about science.
Subject Index Summaries
CO2-Temperature Correlations: Real-world data indicate that CO2 is not the all-important driver of climate change the climate alarmists make it out to be.
Early Spring Growth of Trees: At experimentally elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, some of earth's woody plants have been observed to exhibit greatly enhanced growth flushes at the onset of "biological spring," due, perhaps, to the utilization of additional carbohydrates that were produced the previous year and stored in their woody tissues for this very purpose.
Current Journal Reviews
Glacial Changes on a Russian Arctic Island: As Novaya Zemlya's glaciers began to recede with the demise of the Little Ice Age, hopes were high for better times (more warmth and less ice). Nature, however, had other plans.
Problems Encountered in Assessing the Sea Level Problem: The quantity and quality of sea level data, along with its geographical distribution, is analyzed in a revealing review paper, with the author concluding it will be quite some time before accurate quantitative assessments of past and future sea level trends can be made.
Loblolly Pines Race to Reproduce Under Elevated CO2: Faster-maturing trees with cones aplenty and seeds galore appear to be the likely happy fate of one of the southeastern United States' most valued timber species, as the burning of fossil fuels fills the air with ever more carbon dioxide.
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Photosynthesis and Growth in a Variegated Plant: Variegated cuttings of Hedera helix exhibited less photosynthetic acclimation and greater biomass production in response to twice-ambient levels of atmospheric CO2 than non-variegated cuttings, suggesting that variegated ornamental landscaping plants - of which there are hundreds of species - will do quite well in a future world of higher atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Effects of Elevated CO2, O3 and Soil Moisture on Spring Wheat Yield: Atmospheric CO2 enrichment ameliorated the negative effects of elevated ozone concentrations on spring wheat yields in experiments conducted in Sweden.