Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the Week is from Wakefield, Nebraska. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Current Editorial
Searching for the Truth About CO2 and Climate? Then Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get to Work!: Earth's climate system is so frustratingly complex that no one person can ever hope to comprehend all there is to know about it. Perhaps that's why so many people's opinions about the subject are derived from statements of movie stars and other famous persons. With little investment in intellectual effort they get a big return in warm fuzzy feelings.
Subject Index Summaries
Dust: Atmospheric dust - elusive, ephemeral, evanescent - its characteristics are much like its impacts on earth's climate and biosphere: highly significant, but largely unknown.
Growth Response to CO2 with Other Variables (Nutrients - Phosphorus): As the air's CO2 content continues to rise, it is likely that earth's vegetation will continue to display enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass production, even if soil phosphorus concentrations are less than optimal.
Current Journal Reviews
Arctic Sea Ice: Is It Really Melting Away?: Old data say "Yes." The same old data, combined with subsequent new data, say "No."
A 271-Year Sea Surface Temperature Record from the Central Gyre of the Subtropical South Pacific: Proxy temperature data from a portion of the globe that has never before had its temperature taken over such a long time-span cast doubt upon the veracity of the politically-correct temperature history of the planet, as well as the politically-correct claim that earth's corals can't take the heat of a little global warming.
Malaria On the Rise in Kenya: Is Global Warming To Blame?: It's pretty hard to say "yes," when there have been no concomitant trends in either temperature or rainfall and scientists attribute the increased incidence to increased disease resistance to the drug used to treat it.
Elevated CO2 Increases Cell Expansion and Production in Tree Leaves: A team of European scientists working in central Italy report that "for the first time in field conditions, both the production and expansion of leaf cells were shown to be sensitive to atmospheric carbon dioxide."
Elevated CO2 Stimulates Cotton Boll Production In Spite of Temperature Increase: In an experiment conducted in Mississippi, USA, a doubling of the air's CO2 content increased seasonal photosynthetic rates in upland cotton by 137 to 190%, even at temperatures 7°C above ambient air temperature, boosting boll numbers by 40%.