Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the Week is from Mount Clemens, Michigan. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.
Conferences and Meetings
Periodically we receive requests to publicize various meetings. When these meetings deal with subjects we consider to be of great importance, we will honor those requests.
Current Editorial
Unprecedented Present Warmth: The Lie Takes a Licking … Again!: A new report in Science pulls the rug from under the foundation of the climate alarmist claim that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are responsible for deleterious global warming.
Subject Index Summaries
Coral Reefs (History): The persistence of coral reefs through geologic time provides substantive evidence that these ecological entities can successfully adapt to a dramatically changing global environment.
Water Stress x CO2 Effects on Plants: The recent peer-reviewed scientific literature demonstrates that the growth-promoting effects of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 concentration will not be eliminated by the growth-retarding effects of less-than-optimal soil moisture conditions. In fact, the greatest percentage CO2-induced growth increases are often found to occur when water stress is most severe.
Current Journal Reviews
More Evidence for the Global Extent of the Little Ice Age: A 700-year proxy temperature record derived from a sediment core extracted from Lake Malawi in Africa reveals that the chilling effects of the Little Ice Age extended far beyond the lands surrounding the North Atlantic Ocean.
Some Birds Like It El Niño Hot!: Survival rates of a Mediterranean waterbird - Cory's Shearwater - are positively correlated with temperature, as demonstrated by birds on the Italian Tremiti Islands that weather warmer El Niño years better than cooler La Niña years.
Pasture and Rangeland Responses to Elevated CO2: A review and synthesis of the work of 83 scientists that has resulted in more than 165 research publications over the past five years reveals that pastures and rangelands will experience higher productivities and acquire greater abilities to withstand environmental stresses as the air's CO2 content continues to rise.
CO2 Reduces Adverse Effects of O3 and Soil Water Deficits: Enriching the air with CO2 has the capacity to free earth's plants from the environmental shackles that keep them from realizing their full biological potential.
Dutch Potato Tubers Fatten Up on Extra CO2: And if we apply our minds to the challenge, we might coax them into putting on even more weight under such circumstances.