Cold-Water Corals Trumping Ocean Acidification: How Is It Done?: When the pH of the seawater in which they live drops too low, the corals up-regulate their internal pH to a value that allows calcification to occur under circumstances that would normally lead to the dissolution of their exposed carbonate skeletons.
Subject Index Summary
Heavy Metal Toxicity: Increases in the air's CO2 content help plants to better withstand the deleterious effects of elements that may be present in the soil at ordinarily toxic levels.
Journal Reviews
Recent Temperature Trends of Antarctica's Western Ross Sea: They are not exactly what one would expect in a rapidly warming world.
A 654-Year Streamflow History of Argentina's Neuquen River: Have either the river's high-flow or low-flow periods become more extreme in response to late 20th-century global warming?
Initial Testing of IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Climate Models: How well do they perform on a decadal basis?
The Unseen Benefits of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: The last of a number of studies of the roots of sour orange trees grown for 17 years in both normal ambient and CO2-enriched air tell the story.
Biofuels: Going from Useless to Harmful: Another example of "the best laid schemes of mice and men ..."
Newly-Discovered Wheat Genes Up-Regulated by Heat and Drought: The two stresses, acting together, activate stress-related genes in addition to those up-regulated by the two stresses acting individually.
Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Marine Copepod [Acartia spinicauda]. To access the entire database, click here.